I woke up with my head pounding and tears running down my face. Where I got shot was had a burning sensation. Everything hurts like hell. Kian.

That name kept going through my head. Kian. I couldn't get it out if my head. Kian. Stop! Kian. Go away. Kian. I'm going crazy. Kian. What is happening? Kian. STOP.

I pulled my knees to my chest and sobbed. What's going on with me? I can't have a mental breakdown now! Not before a date. Shit. I totally forgot about the date. What am I gonna do?

I heard yelling outside of my office and than footsteps. I prayed that they weren't coming for me. Thankfully they weren't. I heard Max cussing out Adam and running all over.

I just sat there. I don't want to move. I don't want to do anything. I just wanna go home. I hope Max understands. Today was a long day. It had its up and downs but at least I have a boyfriend. I fought a man today. My ribs still hurt from the fight.  I made a new friend. I revisited that awful memory. I feel like death ate me and threw me back up. I just don't wanna do anything anymore.

I grabbed my phone and called Max. So lazy.

M- Yes?

S- Can you come in here for a moment?

M- Why didn't you get open your door?

S- Just come here

M- Well alright

I hung up and wiped my face off. I wiped the dry tears off my face and the left over make-up. Most of it was running down my face. I heard a knock on the door and it slowly opened. My light was turned off and my computer wasn't on. I was sitting in total darkness. Max used the light from outside to find me, his face fell when he saw that I sitting on the floor, in a corner. He quickly shut the door and sat beside me.

"Why are you sitting on the floor?" He whispered, putting an arm around me.

"I just woke up." I said quietly. My voice cracked as I talked.

"You just slept on the floor?" He chuckled.


"No what?"

"No I didn't sleep on the floor I blacked out on the floor." I said plainly. He tensed and turned his body towards me.

"What do you mean blacked out? Did you have a panic attack? Did you get hurt?" He asked quickly, trying to find my eyes. I avoided his eyes and looked down to the ground.

"I'm fine" is all I said. He sighed and pulled me closer. I couldn't take it anymore and burst out in tears. I felt so safe in his arms. I felt like nothing can get to me.

It was about ten minutes later until I started to calm down. I don't understand why I am crying so much. Now I gotta explain everything to him.

"Stella I know this isn't the right time but I got one question." He said, brushing hair out of my eyes. I nodded for him to continue. "What are you keeping from me? How did you learn how to fight like that? From the streets? What does that mean? Were you in a gang or something?"

"I thought you had one question," I said and lifted my head off of his shoulder.

"Sorry. But they are all connected." He said and laughed. I sighed, he already knows something is up. Might as well tell him.

I explained everything to him. From when my mom died and I met J. To Kian. To the rap battles. To the end of my gang career.  By the end of it, his mouth was hanging open.

"Wow. I don't even know what to say." He said trying to find words.

"There is nothing to say. That's guano learned to fight and why I love hip hop music." I shrugged.

"I just. You had a painful past." He said, hugging me again.

"I had hadn't I?" I said almost to myself.

"Weren't you like famous? In your gang. Were you like the Queen or something?" He asked in awe. I laughed and shook my head. He's so clueless.

"I'm sorta like a legend. When I visit them sometimes, kids stare at me because their parents told stories about me. It's pretty cool actually." I said. Wow, I never realized I had an impact on Danté. He looks up to me.

"We'll talk about this later but we should get home. It's late and I feel like everyone is standing outside your door." Max said, standing up. I hope they aren't. He slowly opened the door revealing nobody. I was secretly happy that nobody heard our conversation. I stood up and leaned on the wall. I didn't realize that I was so tired until my legs gave out. Max turned around and picked me up.

"I can walk, I'm just tired." I said, trying to get down. He gently held tighter and shook his head.

"And miss the opportunity to hold you? Um no." He joked and kept walking. He went to his station and grabbed his keys. It was currently ten past eleven. We talked for that long? Wow. Adam, Ross and John was in the offices doing a recording. Everyone else was gone. Good cause I don't want to deal with them.

I guess we aren't going on our date because Max drove me home. I laid in the seat and looked out the window. I'm glad I told Max. I can always count on him.

If you want me to have a chapter of what Stella said to Max about explaining everything than please comment! Bye friends.

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