Chapter 6

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Mizasu's POV
I was suprised that that damn snake just appeared infront of me and I quickly hopped away from him and stood beside Naruto. "I have no reason to stop." Sasuke glared at Orochimaru and a new voice came, "There you again, forgetting exactly who you are talking to" and it was Kabuto. I still remember from the chunin exams that he was the one who checked Gaara's and Lee's identity and helped us through the forest of death. Hmm, so he's a traitor? My thoughts were interupted by Orochimaru, " My my, what do we have here? Konoha ninjas and who is that with the hood on? Oh and how is Mizasu chan? I heard she is dead."he laughed and Sasuke is glaring at him more. Just when I can answer that who am I, "Her name is Yui , just a traveler." I mentally thanked Sasuke as I didn't to waste my breath of that snake. And then the three of them vanished. And I have to think on how to leave these four without blowing up my cover..
Naruto's POV
I lost Sasuke again.. I mentally scolded myself and I cried. Sakura chan shouted, " Crying won't bring him back to us! I'm still with you, we will get stronger and won't disappoint Mizasu chan. I'm sure she will be sad if she sees you sad." I cleaned tears from my face and I wanted to thank the one who saved me from Sasuke's attack by going back to Konoha with us but she refused, "We will meet soon! Naruto, Sakura!" and she vanished away. How is she to know Sakura chan's and my name? "Let's go." with that I decided to do training with Kakashi sensei if we have the time.

-In Konoha hospital-
Third POV's
The newly form Team Kakashi was infront of Kakashi sensei, "I see.. so this is the new member. Sai was it? Nice to meet you." Sai was rubbing his face saying thank you. Naruto frowned, "Kakashi sensei, our last mission.." Kakashi sensei interupted, "Yeah I heard about it from Yamato, he told me about Sasuke and this "Yui" person too." and they continue their conversation about training.

-Somewhere in the forest-
Mizasu's POV
"Ah.. I ran out of food and water.." I sighed, "The nearest village is sand village..I'll get supplies from there and I have to watch out from Gaara and his siblings.." I walked into the village with the guard's approval. Since I'm here I'll eat ramen! "One bowl of chicken ramen please!" I shouted. "Hey! Give us two bowls of charsu ramen!" I flinched, it sounded familiar.. I turned towards the familiar voice and it was Kankuro and Temari?! I have to hurry up and eat! Kankuro noticed that I'm staring at him, "Hey, what are you looking at?" OHNOOOO! I mentally scolded myself, "H-hey your face paint is quite special?" I stuttered. "Oh. Thanks." Kankuro then turned to Temari and they were chatting within themselves. WHEW , I heaved a sigh of relief and I gulped down my ramen and paid for the meal and left sand village.

-At Orochimaru's hideout-
Sasuke's POV
I was still angry about how Orochimarus saying Mizasu's name! I wanted to go back to Konoha to visit her grave and Im feeling guilty of not visiting her..
I was unconscious from the curse mark which Orochimaru gave me and i heard Mizasu's singing. It felt peaceful and it also decreased the pain level and I fell asleep.
<Flashback end>

-Author's note
I dont own Naruto~

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