"I came to see you."

"Why Austin?"

"I needed to make it up to you. Camila I've changed, no more drugs, no more drinking. I got help, I got help for us."

"You can't change Austin, I don't want you here. Please just leave." I beg as he gets closer to me, I move back again before backing against the wall behind me.

"Camila I promise you I've changed."

"You killed our fucking daughter because you beat me, because you didn't want her. You'd get drunk and beat the crap out of me, even when I told you to stop. When I told you I was pregnant, which by the way was after my twelve week ultrasound you beat me even more." I scream at him as he stands in front of me, he looks down at me hands and notices what I'm holding. He places his hand on top of mine and I instantly flinch and attempt to move away. He begins to graze his thumb across the top of my hand.

"I regret what I've done Mila, but that's in the past. I've changed; I changed for you, for us. I'm sorry Camila I really am."

"I-if you've changed then why is Troy in hospital?" I ask, looking up at him, staring into his almost grey eyes, eyes that have been through and see too much but still somehow manage to sparkle.

"I snapped, he got to me. He brought things up that I'm trying to forget."

"Like the fact you made me sleep with your dealers to pay off debt. The fact you used to beat me because I was your 'little whore' the fact you didn't want a baby so you beat me and left me on the ground, bleeding?!" I scream at him, moving my hand away from his and shoving him backwards.

"Don't, Camila don't fucking shove me because I know I'll do something."

"See you haven't fucking changed at all. This is all just a fucking act to you; you think that you can get me back. Treat me nice for a few months and then it all goes back to how it was before." I scream at him again, shoving him back even more. He glares down at me, his eyes are no longer sparkling, and they're dark and deadly.

"I thought I told you not to fucking shove me. Still the same Camila doesn't fucking listen to a word I fucking say." He growls at me, grabbing my arm and shoving my body against the wall, I whimper in pain as he squeezes my arm tighter. "I thought you were used to the pain Camila. I guess I need to toughen you up again." He hisses into my ear before pressing his body against mine.

"Get off me Austin, I'm not yours anymore. You can't treat me like this."

"You're mine until I say you're not."

"She's not yours, prick."

Austin releases me before turning to walk down the hall. I chase after him, seeing Lauren stood in the middle of the living room. She's glaring at him and he just smirks at her.

"And who are you? You got yourself a little slut, Camila?" He asks, snickering while making his way towards Lauren.

"Don't you dare touch her Austin!" I yell as I get in between him and Lauren, he looks down at me and smirks.

"Why not Mila? She looks like someone who likes it rough."

"Do not fucking touch her." I state causing his smirk to fade, I've never stood up to him and he doesn't like it. I can see it in his eyes; he wants to kill me right now. He grabs hold of my arms and tightens his grip causing me to drop the crumpled black and white image on the ground.

"Don't you ever fucking speak to me like that again you fucking whore."

"Don't you fucking talk to her like that, get off her."

I turn to face the door and see Rob stood there, in his black suit with white shirt and black tie. He walks into the apartment and makes his way towards me and Austin. Ally walks in behind him and moves Lauren away as Big Rob grabs Austin's arm, releasing me from his grip before forcing the arm behind his back. Austin fights back but Rob just slams him on the ground before pinning him down.

"Don't think that I won't fucking kill you right now. No one talks to or touches Camila like that. I know what you did you scum bag, if you didn't want that fucking baby you didn't have to beat Camila to kill the poor thing." Rob hisses at Austin, I turn to face Lauren and she just looks at me in shock, thanks for that Rob. Rob drags Austin up before pulling him towards the door. They both walk out into the hall before Rob slams the door shut behind him.

"I think you two need to talk." Ally says as she begins to make her way towards her room.

"B-baby." Is all Lauren manages to get out before she sinks down on to the sofa. I sigh before picking the picture up off the ground and then walking towards her. I never thought I'd have to tell her this; I sit next to her and begin to fiddle with the piece of paper in my hands.

"L-Laur." She looks up at me. "I was pregnant, m-me and Austin,  we w-were having a baby. I um, I didn't tell him until I w-was twelve weeks g-gone." I mumble, looking down as I begin to cry again. Lauren has seen me cry too many times, and I can't let her see my cry again.

"Camz, y-you don't have to explain."

"I do, when I told him, h-he beat me. He kicked my stomach, s-screamed that h-he didn't w-want a baby w-with a slut l-like me." I say in between sobs. "I h-had already p-picked out a name, b-bought clothes and h-he killed her. He killed my little girl."

Suddenly I don't care if Lauren sees my crying now; I've opened up to her more than I have to anyone else. I look up at her and she's crying too. I pass her the ultrasound image; she takes it off me and looks down at the image in front of her. She traces over it with her fingertips, taking shaky breaths as she does.

"L-Lauren say something." I mumble while placing my hand on top of hers.

"No one deserves that Camila. I'm sorry it happened to you." She whispers before pulling me close to her, wrapping her arms around me. She kisses the top of my head as my arms automatically wrap around her body and I cling on to her.

"Don't leave me Lauren."

"I'm not." She whispers into my hair while rubbing circles on my back. "Camz why wouldn't you let Austin touch me? Why did you protect me?" She asks me.

"B-because he'd hurt you. I couldn't stand to see him hurt you Lauren; I would've taken the pain to stop you from feeling it."

"Why though? He's hurt you enough."

"Because I'm falling for you Lauren, that's why." I mutter against her as she presses her lips against my forehead. "But I can't be with you, not yet."

"I understand Camila; I'm going to wait for you."

"You don't have to."

Lauren pushes me back slightly before looking into my eyes, she wipes away my tears. I weakly smile at her as she cups my face. She leans forward and then presses her lips against mine, her fingertips rest on my neck. I lightly begin to suck her bottom lip into my mouth, causing her to let out a soft, quiet moan. She pulls back and smiles at me as her forehead rests against mine, my arms still around her and hers still around me.

"I'm going to wait for you Camila Cabello."


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