10. While You Were Gone

Start from the beginning

He headed back downstairs, allowing Kol and Caroline to get themselves cleaned up and dressed. This wasn't exactly the welcome back that he was expecting from them. Not even remotely close to this.

Caroline had left Kol's bed, wrapped comfortably in his white linen comforter as she scurried down the hall her to room. The awkward intrusion into Kol's room done by Klaus had her a little shaken. There were so many things running through her head. First and foremost, Tyler was now dead. She wasn't sure how to feel about it. She couldn't feel anything. Considering they'd dated and she'd known him since the third grade she thought that she would feel sad, maybe even cry. But she didn't. She wasn't sad, she wasn't upset. She felt nothing. Admittedly, it scared her a little.

Then there was the fact that Klaus was back. She did miss him. She couldn't deny that anymore. Kol knew she did, and she knew it herself. She loved Klaus, despite everything he's done to her and her friends, she loved him. It was undeniable. The problem was that she was with Kol. She was smitten and happy being with Kol. He was there when Klaus wasn't. He'd been the one to show her the life she could have outside of Mystic Falls. Yes, maybe it should have been Klaus doing that, but she was glad it was Kol. She had no regrets with him; she'd had fun the past couple days.

She wasn't sure how to handle everything. This thing with Kol, whatever it was, was new to her and she had to explain it to Klaus at some point. Somehow. Besides, it was a known fact to him now after walking in on the two of them practically about to jump each other's bones.

The blonde vampire showered off quickly and dressed in something a little more suitable than a bed sheet, getting ready to join Klaus downstairs for a tea. There was a lot to discuss between them all, but it had to be done at some point. Caroline wanted it over with and out of the way as early as possible.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Klaus had called Rebekah and asked her to swing by and pick up Caroline to get her out of the house for a while. He was wanting to speak with his brother alone for a little while and didn't need Caroline around, being nosy and listening.

Caroline was the first downstairs while Kol was still upstairs in his room. She took this as an opportunity to speak with Klaus alone.

"So... you're back for good now?" her voice piped up from the main hallway, just outside the kitchen.

"That's what I'm hoping for. I hope that my arrival isn't an inconvenience to you or Kol and your blossoming relationship."

Caroline knew that Klaus was a little disgruntled after finding out about what went on while he was away. She sort of felt bad for him, but she knew that she'd feel bad if she chose Klaus and left Kol in the dark, especially now that he knew that Caroline did have feelings for him.

"Klaus... I'm sor-"

"Don't apologize, Caroline. I'm just being bitter. You and my brother seem perfectly happy together, why should I try to come between it? It's not my place to," Klaus looked up at her from the counter where he was sipping diligently at his tea. "Besides," he started again, more attentive now, brows raised. "you said so yourself, Kol reminds you of me."

"Well maybe that's exactly what this is about!" Caroline exploded at him, not knowing how to respond. She was getting tired of not feeling like any decision she made was right. She was finally able to please her own mind, but it for some reason didn't set right for anyone else. But she regretted what she said when Klaus' face showed that of wonder and she knew what he was thinking. Then she turned slightly, seeing Kol standing at the bottom of the staircase, staring at her, but in a more unresponsive way. It was more like he was seeing through her. He was hurt.

"What do you mean by that?" the hybrid asked curiously.

"Nothing, never mind. Forget I said anything. I shouldn't have." Caroline went to make an exit, away from both Klaus and Kol.

"Oh, and Caroline?" Klaus made her stop suddenly. "Rebekah will be here in a few minutes to take you out shopping. I thought that maybe you'd like to go out and do a little more exploring. I wanted to speak with Kol about my excursion out of town, and I thought I'd be mindful of you and spare you the gory details."

"Yeah, thanks," Caroline mumbled and flashed upstairs, passed Kol, into her room to do her makeup.

Kol and Klaus were left downstairs alone, and Klaus was waiting for Caroline to leave so that he could speak freely with his brother about the blonde they'd both taken an interest in. There was a lot on his mind and he wanted to make everything crystal clear between himself and his brother.

"What did you want to speak to me about, brother? Something tells me that it has to do with a particular female upstairs." Kol sauntered a little over to the kitchen, propping himself up against the door frame.

"Perhaps your speculations are correct, however," Klaus pointed upward and rolled his eyes toward the ceiling. "she can still hear us as long as she's here." His voice quieted a little more.

Kol nodded understandingly and waited patiently for Caroline to leave the house with Rebekah, which didn't take much longer than five minutes. Rebekah had told them that she'd be back with Caroline in a couple hours and Klaus thanked Rebekah for being willing enough to take her out of the house and keep an eye on her. Really, Caroline was free to leave if she wanted to, but there was no way she was leaving anytime soon after becoming this close with Kol.

"Now, Kol... about Caroline," the hybrid started, finally having the chance to speak freely.

"I'm not sorry, Nik. I love her and I won't give her up because you're in love with her. She chose me." Kol stood his ground, defending himself. He knew exactly where this conversation was going and he wanted to be clear about his view of things. He wasn't going to bend over backwards for his older brother.

"Did you not hear her earlier when you were eavesdropping on our conversation? She said that this whole thing was about you reminding her of me."

"I am nothing like you," Kol spat out, furious at his brother's accusation. "How dare you say such a thing."

"I didn't say it. Caroline did, yesterday morning. Believe it or not, she does think highly of both of us, despite who we are and what we've done. It took me a while to realize it but we're not all that different, you and I."

Kol let a laugh escape him. The comparison between the two brothers was humourous to Kol because he didn't consider for a second that they had anything in common. He had himself convinced that the two of them were nothing alike. They were siblings and nothing more.

"Sure we both want the same thing, desire the same girl. But the difference between you and me," Kol began. "is that I can give up everything for her. You will never be able to do that. The power you long to have, the impulsive side that you can't fight... it's the reason why she's better off without you. She doesn't have to worry about me destroying the people around her that she loves. I'm not feared like you are, and because of that you've created your own demise."

In the back of his mind, Klaus knew that what his brother had said was true. He couldn't help what he was, what he did, or what he was going to do. His werewolf side made his impulsive and irrational at times, and he had things he wanted. Power was one of those things. But that didn't change the way he felt about Caroline. Sure, there were obstacles he had to get passed, but he wasn't a quitter. When he wanted something, he got it. One way or another. The little blonde he'd fallen for was worth it. She deserved more than to be given up on.

"If the roles were reversed she would have just as easily chosen me. The only difference is, she wouldn't have had to second guess herself. She wouldn't have said 'no' the first time," Klaus fought his side of the argument just as Kol had and Kol knew Klaus was just as right as he was. They both had their imperfections, as did everyone. "And you know what? I do have things about me that I probably won't be able to change, but I have the drive and ambition that you haven't yet experienced. I'm not afraid to get things done. I have blood on my hands and I don't hide it. She loves me even though she knows I'm a monster. I will not give up, Kol."

Kol smirked, a little uneasy, but confident enough to say, "May the best man win."

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