Chapter twenty nine.

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But Emma doesn’t need this, all this will do is break her more so, she needs love and care she needs fixing. I can’t give her this because I don’t do feelings, feelings will just fuck me up.

With Emma it’s the opposite no feelings will fuck her up.

‘’Harry’’ Emma mumbles sleepily sitting up.


Emma leans in a plants a kiss on my lips.

I pull away a few seconds later ‘’ feeling better?’’ I ask.

‘’Yeah much better’’ she beams.

‘’Well I’m going to shower’’ I announce slipping out of bed, I need to get away from her right now and figure out what I’m meant to do.



Almost as soon as I wake up Harry leaves to go shower, so I get up deciding I’ll cook us breakfast for once.

Climbing out of bed I search around for something to wear, I pick up Harrys t-shirt from the floor pulling it over my head and grabbing a pair of my panties from the draw.

As I walk to the kitchen I pull my hair up into a messy bun to keep it off my face, my hairs long and messy so unless I’ve styled it right it falls across my face.

Hunting through the cupboards I can’t seem to find anything I can actually cook. I can’t cook a proper breakfast like Harry makes I’d probably end up giving us food poisoning.

Eventually I find a box of pop tarts, prefect. Setting the on the counter I put the kettle on to make us some coffee as well.

Once I hear the shower turn off I put the pop tarts in the toaster so they will be ready just in time.

I pour the coffee as well and then find plates for us.

‘’What’s this your cooking?’’ Harry asks chuckling.


The pop tarts are easy so I put the on plates and sit down with Harry.

‘’Ooh five star meal we’ve got here’’ he teases.

‘’shut up it’s the best I can do’’ I say punching him playfully.

‘’Well these are the best pop tarts I’ve ever tasted he says kissing my nose softly.

Harry’s so confusing it like yesterday we were all about anger and force and now he’s being all soft and gentle. Talk about head fuck.

Forced to become Mrs Styles (A Harry Styles AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat