"Hyung, what's YoonMin?" (Yoonmin)

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"...Have you ever searched for 'Yoonmin' on tumblr before, Jimin-ah?" Taehyung asked him, looking up from his phone briefly.

"No," Jimin looked puzzled, searching his brain for an memory of the word. "What is it?"

"Well... Never mind." Taehyung rubbed the back of his neck and laughed awkwardly.

"Wait, no, tell me!"

"...Ask Yoongi-hyung!" Taehyung yelled back as he hurried away. There was no way he was getting caught up in that mess.


"Hyung, what's 'yoonmin'?" Jimin asked a different member, hoping for more success than with the last.

Yoongi nearly spat out his coffee.

"U-uh. It's... It's just something the fans came up with..."

"Oh." Jimin looked unimpressed

"Don't look it up." Yoongi responded all-too-quickly.

"Huh? But why..."


"Siri, what's yoonmin?"

"Searching google for--"

"NO  NO  NO ITS OK" Yoongi snatched Jimin's phone from his grasp with lightning speed.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Jimin complained, stunned that Yoongi had appeared from seemingly nowhere at just the right time to stop him.

"What did I tell you about looking it up?!" Yoongi scowled.


"I'm confiscating this until you promise to stop querieing about that." Yoongi mumbled as he skulked back into the studio.


"Seokjin-hyung?" Jimin peered around the corner into Seokjin's room.

"What's up?"

"Why wont anyone tell me what 'yoonmin' is?"

"Oh." Seokjin turned to look at him. Jimin prepared himself to be denied an answer yet again. "Well, I think you should probably ask Yoongi that."

"But hyung that's what Taehyung told me to do and he won't tell me either." Jimin frowned and turned to walk away, pretty much defeated.

"Ask him to show you instead, then." Seokjin added before Jimin was out of earshot.


"Hey, Yoongi..." Jimin said as he let himself into the studio. Yoongi turned and stared at him. "...-hyung." Jimin corrected himself.

"This better not be what I think it's about, I already told you not to-"

"No, no!" Jimin waved his hands frantically. "Well, actually yes but I was going to say you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Thanks, Jimin." Yoongi started turning his chair back around to resume his work.

"But, could you at least show me?" Jimin added quickly. At this, Yoongi froze in his chair, mid-spin.

"Jimin," Yoongi began.

"And no, you can't refuse! It can't be that much of a big deal just to show me!" Jimin huffed.

"Fine. Fine!" Yoongi got up from his seat and crossed the small space between his desk and Jimin. "You want me to show you? Here." Yoongi grabbed Jimin by the arm and held him still as he kissed him quickly and roughly. He pulled away just as fast and stepped back, not looking at him. "You asked..." He grumbled. Jimin stared at him, his brain taking a while to proccess what had just happened.

"...So that's what-"


"...And that's why the others wouldn't-"




God that was trash I'm sorry ^^; My writing application on my laptop's gone and broken, hence the lack of updates and this super trashy one eheh~ My apologies guys~

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