Trick-or-Treat (Yoonmin)

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It was the end of October already, and Yoongi was more than happy to be spending the last night of the month with Jimin. Well, he was happy to start with at least.

"I'm so boreeeeed~" Jimin whined as he rolled over on the floor. Yoongi stared at him blankly. The night had started off okay; the other members were all out so they had been curled up in blankets, watching a film and eating popcorn. That is, until Jimin decided that the film was way too scary and refused to watch even another second of it.

"Hyung he just -ate- her eyeballs! How are you not freaking out right now?"

In all honesty, Yoongi was surprised he had lasted as long as he did, they almost got halfway through the film before Jimin was cowering beneath the blankets. He had hoped that they'd be able to finish at least one horror film, just this one time, but maybe he had picked too much of a gory one...

Either way, the nerves had apparently worn off and now Jimin was nothing more than bored. Annoyingly so.

"Hyuuuuung~" Jimin chimed in again. Yoongi's eyebrows twitched; he swore he was gonna wring this kid's neck if he didn't stop soon. Yoongi sighed, composing himself before even thinking about opening his mouth.

'Okay,' he glanced down briefly in thought. 'Let's play a game then.'

Jimin looked confused at this.

'Hyung, if this is another dumb--'

'Trust me.' He smiled, grabbing another handful of popcorn from the bowl between them. He had suddenly got an idea for how to get Jimin to quit complaining. Jimin listened intentively, hoping that this game would actually be fun. Unlike the last time Yoongi suggested one of his clever little 'games'.

'The others are all out trick-or-treating, right?' Jimin nodded in reply, still unsure as to where this was going. 'How about we play our own version of trick-or-treat?'

Jimin stared at him blankly. He knew it. Yoongi couldn't come up with a decent game to save his life.

'What, are we going to sit here and throw candies at eachother or something?'

'Yah, don't have such little faith in me.' Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows. 'I ask you a question-' Jimin sighed, interrupting him.

'As I was saying. I ask you a question, and if you get it right you get a treat, you get it wrong, you get-'

'A trick, hyung?' Jimin finished the sentence for him, unimpressed.

'Stop interrupting me already!' Yoongi huffed. 'It's fine. You can sit here and be bored and alone in the dark by yourself.' Yoongi moved to get up but Jimin grabbed his leg.

'N-no no hyung it's cool you can stay.' Jimin let go and shuffled backwards into his pile of cushions.

Yoongi mentally cheered at his victory. He knew Jimin would agree to pretty much anything when threatened with being left alone in the dark. It was mean, but effective.

"Okay then, I'll start." Yoongi stared at the ceiling whilst trying to think of something to start with. He probably should have thought of some questions beforehand, but he didn't quite plan that far ahead.

"Name one of my least favourite things." He asked. Not the most difficult question, but good enough.

"Hyung that's so easy-" Jimin began, stopping halfway before his hyung started glaring. "Crowded places."

Yoongi was slightly surprised at how quickly he got it. He knew it wasn't a tough question considering how long they'd known eachother, but he at least expected Jimin to have had to put a few seconds of thought into it. He looked around, unsure what really counted as a 'treat'. His eyes settled on the fruit bowl on the coffee table nearby. Perfect. He leaned over and grabbed an orange from the bowl, then proceeded to toss it in Jimin's general direction.

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