2016 Happy new year!

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Happy new year everyone everywhere~!

I know it's been new year for a while in some places and in others it hasn't quite arrived yet but for me, it just turned 2016 recently~

I hope you all have a brilliant new year, and don't loose your mind too much over Kookie being an adult now. I know I will be.

As a little extra to say thanks to you all, take this: (I'm not quite sure what this is gonna be, it's literally off the top of my head rn but hopefully it isn't a writhing mess.)

"Hey, hyung~" Jungkook nudged the boy next to him with his elbow.

Taehyung was gazing up at the night sky in awe, but turned his attention to Jungkook instead.

"We should set off some fireworks too, right?" The maknae suggested. Taehyung furrowed his brow in thought for a moment before responding.

"...But, wouldn't that be dangerous? We don't have much space and Seokjin-hyung isn't here--"

"Oh it'll be fine~  Have you ever set off fireworks before? I haven't, but I've seen Namjoon-hyung do it before!" Jungkook laughed, and ran off to find the fireworks he knew Namjoon had stashed.


Later that night, the older members returned home early, after getting a call from the police station. When they arrived home, they were greeted with a mildly singed pair of idiots and a frustrated looking fireman.

They didn't burn the building down at least, but needless to say from that point on neither of them were allowed home alone.

Though, the decision made less than a week later to leave them alone with Hoseok, maybe wasn't a great idea either...

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