An Interesting Day (Namjin)

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Seokjin leaned forwards in his chair and adjusted the camera angle as he hit record.

The chair squeaked slightly as he got comfortable and breathed out a sigh- contemplating his next words very carefully.

"So, today has been an... interesting day for me and," He paused and let out a chuckle. "Well let's just say that our Rap Monster made a bad decision today, regarding something I'm sure you've seen he posted on Twitter." Namjoon would kill him for sure after this.


"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" Namjoon yelled, barrelling down the hall towards where Seokjin was comfortably sat in their armchair, avoiding eye contact with a smug look on his face.

"I swear to god Kim Seokjin if you don't--"

"It's like I said when you posted that tweet," Jin gestured to his phone as he spoke. "Don't expect me not to exact my revenge.

"Wait but this is so much worse than what I did! You..."

At that moment Jimin and Taehyung appeared from their room, arms linked and grinning like cheshire cats. With his spare hand, Jimin was holding a laptop.

"So, this  is what you wouldn't tell us before when you shooed us away." Jimin nodded towards the screen.

Namjoon glared daggers at his elder, unable to respond any other way.

"Shall I play it? I don't think Jungkookie has seen it yet~" Taehyung giggled as he slipped out of Jimin's hold and ran off to find the maknae.

The three left in the room stare at each other in an unsettled silence whilst they waited for Taehyung's return.


"So, today has been an--"

"Hang on lemme skip to the good bit." Jimin interrupted.

"-I'm sure  there are plenty of secrets you'd love to know about our fearless leader but this one's my personal favourite, so here:"  Seokjin cleared his throat.

"Around the time when Namjoon was in middle school, he wrote this letter..." Seokjin picked up a sheet of paper and waved it around.

"Should I read it out or-? Yeah I'll read it. But first, if you look," Jin detached a polaroid that was held on to the sheet with a purple paperclip. "He attached this cute little photograph of him wi---"


"Uh... What do we do now?" There was a soft thud as Jimin carefully placed the laptop he had been holding on the floor.

"If this was some elaborate plot for none of the others to see this video, then I'm impressed hyung." Taehyung chimed in, waving his arms around in front of his face.

"Why would I go to this kind of effort? Besides, if Yoongi-hyung was working on something and I planned a power outage I think he might be more than a little bit-"

"KIM NAMJOON, I WILL KILL YOU." Yoongi hollered from his bedroom.


"Shh, just hide. He won't be able to see you, it's way too dark." Jungkook suggested.


Three hours later, the power was finally back on and Yoongi's rage had subsided.

"...Taehyung-ah, what was in that video anyway? We never actually finished watching it." Jungkook looked up from his phone at his hyung who was sprawled across his legs on the couch.

"Hm? Oh, right." Taehyung blinked.


"Oh, just some letter that Namjoon-hyung wrote. I dunno." Taehyung shrugged.

"I already know that though," the maknae whined. "Can't you just show me? I wouldn't be surprised if you knew where the actual thing is hidden." Taehyung grinned and jumped off from the couch, making Jungkook whince at the sudden pressure on his legs.

"I'll be right back~" Taehyung said.

A few moments later, he was back again, waving around a piece of paper that he'd retrieved.

"So you did know where it was hidden!" Jungkook stared in surprise and Taehyung just shrugged whilst passing the sheet to him.

"...." Jungkook mumbled the words under his breath as he skimmed through the elaborate detailing of the letter. "So," he looked up briefly, "This was literally just some weird letter to a kid from his class when he was younger?" he huffed. "What's so exciting about it?"

Taehyung unclipped the polaroid photo and held it in front of Jungkook's face. "You see this?"

Jungkook nodded. "That's hyung and presumably the kid he wrote the letter to, right?"

"Is that really all you see? Look closer at the other kid!" Taehyung complained impatiently.

"I don't see it. Just tell me."

"It's Jin-hyung!" Taehyung waved the photo around.

"Okay, okay," Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's arm to keep it still and then stared closely at the photo again. "OH MY GOD IT IS!" The two started jumping around excitedly and accidentally knocking a few items of furniture over in the process.

"What's with all the noise in here?" Jin walked into the room, closely followed by Namjoon.

The two youngest just stared at eachother for a moment before bolting for the door, laughing.

"I really wish you hadn't told Taehyung where that letter was..." Namjoon sighed.

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