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Jungkook laid flat out on the floor in the middle of the practice room whilst he panted heavily from the non-stop dancing he had been doing to make sure he had every move nailed. He looked over to the clock on the wall and noticed that it was already gone midnight and frowned at the thought that the others were probably worried about where he was. He had, after all, forgotten to tell anyone where he was going before he had left.

He puffed out a hot cloud of breath and watched it form in front of his face, only just noticing how cold the room had gotten since he had stopped moving about. With the realisation that it was probably a bad idea to have left the windows open all night, he stood up and groaned in discomfort at his aching muscles. The pain was bearable now but it would probably be worse in the morning, as for some reason that's always how it seemed to turn out.

That worry was soon forgotten and he went back to the task at hand and one-by-one shut the tall windows that lined one wall of the large room.

Satisfied that he wouldn't get scolded by the staff for somehow managing to make the entire building cold, he resumed his original thought and decided to call one of his hyungs so that they knew where he had been.

Jungkook walked over and grabbed his bag, taking his time, and rummaging through it to find his phone.

'Agh come on, I know it's in there somewhere...' he muttered under his breath as he blindly pushed aside the bottles and clothing in his rucksack until his hand found purchase on his phone. Smiling to himself at his small victory against his bag, he looked at his lock screen wallpaper for a moment before unlocking it.

Just two days before, the 95-line had taken his phone whilst he was distracted. This had resulted in too many selcas to count of Jimin and Taehyung pulling quite the variety of strange faces. One of which they had made Jungkook's lock screen wallpaper, 'To make sure he's always thinking of them,' is what they had argued when he found out what they had done. Despite the protests he had made at the time, he still hadn't changed the picture, he would never let them know that, though.

Jungkook frowned as he noticed he had not one missed call or text although normally Jimin constantly texts him even when they're in the same room, and he had honestly expected Jimin to be the first one to question his whereabouts. In all honesty, he was actually quite disappointed.

In the end though, he made a mental note to question Jimin about it later, deciding that his hyung was probably just busy and hadn't thought to contact him. He pulled up his list of contacts and selected Taehyung's number, which was decorated with an array of sparkly emoticons after the name, as per Taehyung's request. He stared at the bright screen, ignoring the dull sting in his eyes as he waited for his best friend's chirpy voice to burst through the speaker.

But it didn't.

'Fine then, I'll call Jin-hyung, he always answers,' He thought to himself as he called his eldest hyung. He waited, growing increasingly impatient as each ring passed, until it finally reached voicemail. Too frustrated to leave a message, he tried Taehyung once more before setting his phone down and giving up. What, was it ignore the maknae day or something?

It was entirely possible that they were already asleep at this time, which he realised as he glanced at the time displayed at the top of the screen. If anything, what he was doing at this moment was likely just to disturb the others from their sleep and he definitely didn't want to deal with grumpy band-mates the next morning.

At second thought, he assumed that it was likely Yoongi and Namjoon might still be awake at this hour, seeing how they always had ridiculous sleeping patterns, but thought better of contacting them: Namjoon never payed any attention to his phones and Yoongi would somehow find a way to hold the favour against him.

Defeated and exhausted, Jungkook stuffed his belongings into his rucksack, pulling a hoodie over his thin t-shirt to protect himself from the cold night air and then swinging the bag over his shoulder, switching the lights off as he went.

He walked through the dark building, thankful that there was no one else in the corridors to try and start a conversation with him as he tried to leave. It wasn't that he had anything against the staff here, but some of them- as he knew from experience- could chatter on for hours regardless of the time and at that moment in time all he really wanted to do was get back to the dorms and sleep.

The large front doors to the building let in a gust of cold air as Jungkook opened them and stepped out into the night air. It was then that the realisation hit him that he didn't really have any way of getting home, as he himself hadn't yet learnt to drive. Mentally kicking himself for not having thought ahead, he looked around at the empty streets and hoped a taxi might drive around the corner.

His last resort was to call Yoongi which he really didn't want to do- last time he requested his help, he ended up having to be his maid for a month as payment- and that was just for lending him his headphones. He dreaded to think what he would have to do for making him drive out to the studio in the middle of the night.

Just as he was deciding whether or not it was worth it, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket and was relieved to see that it was Jimin asking where he was, finally.

He responded by telling him that he was at the studio and that he had no way of getting back to the dorms. Whilst he waited for a reply, Jungkook moved away from the road and sat down against the wall of the building. To any passers-by, he probably would've looked like a homeless person, not that he really cared what strangers thought anyways.

Jungkook kept glancing at his phone and after ten minutes or so, Jimin finally responded.

'Yoongi hyung'll pick you up in five minutes'

Amazed that Jimin had managed to convince his grouchy hyung to run an errand, he responded with a hundred 'thank you!'s and stood up so that when Yoongi arrived he would be able to see him.

Whilst he waited, he pondered over what magical powers Jimin must have in order to have gotten Yoongi to do this. The thought moved to the back of his mind, though, as a dark blue car pulled around the corner a few buildings away. He strained his eyes in the barely illuminated street to see who was driving, but after having seen a dull-pink mop of hair in the driver's seat, he was satisfied that it was who he thought and jogged over to the car.


The car ride back was a silent one, apart from the quiet Big Bang music playing from the speakers. Jungkook decided it was in his best interest not to try and strike up a conversation, as Yoongi looked irritated and tired, the two of which were not a good combination.

Yoongi's pale face was barely visible in the darkness of the car, the only light being provided by the stereo and the glow of the dashboard. Jungkook wondered what Yoongi would say if he asked him about Jimin, not that he particularly wanted to.

He knew that his close friend had quite the crush on Yoongi and honestly Jungkook didn't understand it. They didn't see Yoongi very often and even when they did, he was either sleeping or complaining that he wasn't sleeping. Well, maybe that's an exaggeration but he behaved like that a good portion of the time, at least.

As he looked over at his tired hyung, he realised that he must have at least some affection towards Jimin as well to have stopped working or sleeping to do him a favour like this...

Eventually he decided that he was just overthinking the situation because he was so tired, and ended up playing games on his phone for the rest of the drive back to distract himself.


BTS OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora