Part 30

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Steve's POV

I was just on my way out as my eyes caught Natasha's body, standing by the big window. She was looking out over the view of New York. The sky was a mixture of blue, yellow and a little hint of purple.
"I've been standing here for about half an hour.." Natasha began, knowing I was a few meters behind her and staring at her, even though she wasn't looking back at me.
"Twenty minutes ago, the sky was pink and white, filled with fluffy clouds. Now, there are no clouds and the sky have turned blue and yellow." She continued.
"Meaning?" I asked softly as I gazed at her, finding every part of stunning. She suddenly turned around and her eyes met mine. I smiled a bit and she sighed slightly.
"Everything changes. Even the sky. Everything changes." She said. "Except everything here." She said with an eye roll. I chuckled and she looked at me seriously.
"I haven't been on a mission for.. Like days. Days, Steve. Days." She said seriously and I tried to hide my smile.
"Well, neither have I." I said and she looked at me suspiciously.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Em.. I'm just going to the store." I said and she raised an eyebrow as she looked at me. I felt a little nervous and nodded slightly.
"Why are you lying?" She asked before her expression changed from curious to a little upset.
"I'm not.."
"Oh stop it. You're going on a mission aren't you?" She said firmly. I nodded slightly and she gave me a death stare.
"Well.." I said as I looked down at the ground, avoiding her staring eyes.
"I'll be ready in ten." She said as she left the room. I looked up and watched her as she walked to the bedroom with a smile on my lips.

"Come one Natasha. Don't be mad." I said as we sat in the car later.
"I'm not mad." She stated.
"Well, you seem to have a lot on your mind lately." I said and she looked at me with disgust.
"I mean, how are you?" I asked softly.
"Never been better."
"Nat!" I said and she looked at me again.
"What do you want Rogers? Besides keeping me from all the missions? I thought you never wanted to leave my side?"
I looked at her face and grabbed her hand.
"I don't ever want to leave your side. And I'm not keeping you away from missions. I can't help that you weren't assigned to this one." I said calmly and she looked at me with suspicion.
"Fine. But I'm coming on this one anyway." She said and I chuckled.
"I didn't expect anything else." I said and she looked at me with a smirk.

Natasha's POV

I hit down two of the men as Steve threw his shield at another two.
"Not assigned to this mission huh? You wouldn't have managed all this without me." I shouted to Steve across the room. He chuckled as he hit down another man. I took some down with the help of my tight grip before Steve came towards me. All the men laid on the floor, and now, it was the bosses of this gang left so to speak.
"I know. That's why we were both assigned to it." He said with a chuckle.
I looked at him surprised by his words.
"I'm sorry?"
Five men came running towards us and Steve chuckled again.
"Saved by the bell."
I sighed before starting to take down the men one after one.

"Lay down your weapons." Steve said as we walked into the room. Three men and a woman sat by a round big table, playing poker. Money and checks where spread out in the middle of the table, rather unorganised.
The four held up their hands in the air as we pointed our guns at them. One man with an oddly large nose suddenly chuckled a bit.
"Fools!" He spit out with a cough.
"Steve.." I began but kept my focus on the man. "It's a trap."
"What are you talking about.." Steve began.
The men and woman started to laugh and the door opened and in came twenty men, all armed.
"This was supposed to be an easy mission." He said confused as he grabbed my arm to protect me. But before we even could begin to fight, I felt a hard pain in the back of my head and everything went black.

"Natasha.. Natasha!"
I swallowed hard as my mouth was as dry as the dessert. My head hurt and I had to really force myself to open my eyes. The first thing I saw was light. It hurt my eyes and I had to close them quickly again to adjust my eyes to the strong light. After a while, I realised it was a lamp. Around not was a white ceiling. I tried to sit up but realised that my feet and arms were bounded to the cold table I was laying on. I looked to my right and saw Steve. His eyes screamed of worry and I felt relived that he was there. The cold table and me chained to it remembered too much about my childhood. I got chills up my spine but kept staring at Steve.
"Are you okey?" He asked and I nodded.
"You?" I asked and he sighed.
"I'm so sorry Natasha. I thought.."
"That it was an ordinary mission. So how do we get out of here?" I asked as I raised my head a little to look around. We were in a normal sized room. Nothing was in it except the two tables Steve and I were lying on. One big metal door was the only way out that I could see. I looked down at my hands and realised they were tied up with rope. I chuckled a bit.
"Amateur move." I whispered quietly to myself as I slowly began to untie it.
"Nat.. If we die.." Steve began and I sighed loudly as I kept trying to untie myself. "Natasha." Steve said more seriously and I looked at him.
"What is it?" I asked as I saw his soft expression. "Try to tie up your.." I began but stopped talking as I realised he was both chained to the table as a metal thing held him down over his legs and arms. I started to slightly panic and tried to get loose even faster.
I ignored him.
I kept working and I felt more and more pain in my wrists from the hard tied ropes.
"Natasha if we get out of here, Will you marry me?" Steve said and I stopped. I stopped everything. Even breathing. I slowly looked at his face and he stared back at mine.
"What?" I asked surprised but softly.
"I was going to ask you during the fight earlier. You know, one second you were fighting bad guys, the next I'd ask you." He said with a slight smile.
"If we don't get out of here.. I wanted you to know.." He continued and I began working with my ropes again. More frustrated and determined this time. My wrists hurt but I didn't bother. Blood from my wrists soon started to roll down my arm and in a matter of seconds, I was free from the ropes. I sat up quickly and started to untie my legs. In a matter of seconds, I was free and jumped of the table.
"Natasha. What are you doing?" Steve asked suddenly as I stood by his side.
"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm getting us out of here so that I can marry you." I said pretty distracted as I investigated Steve's chains.
"So that's a yes?" He said with a big smile. I realised what I had said and knew that it was true. I really wanted it. I wanted him. I looked at his face and couldn't help myself but to smile.
"Yes it is." I said before putting my lips onto his. After I broke the kiss, I crossed my arms over my chest and looked down at him.
"You do know that these chains aren't Vibranium or anything right? Have you even tried breaking free?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.
"I was busy thinking we would die." He claimed.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked with a smirk as I went towards the metal door. Steve was out of his chains in two minutes time and grabbed my wrist as he saw the blood.
"Rogers, now's not the time for things like that. But it is time to get this door down." I said with one hand on my hip.
"Will you do the honour?" I asked looking at him. He took a few steps back and sprinted towards the door. It fell to the ground quicker than I expected. He looked back at me with a smile.
"Let's get out of here." He said with some new hope.
"I love you." I said as he grabbed my hand and laced our fingers together.
"I love you too."

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