Part 9

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Steve's POV

After an hour of Natasha hitting my arm now and then, we reached our destination.
"This place is.. Not what I expected." I said looking at the little cabin, only a forest surrounding it.
"It never is." Natasha said as we walked towards the cabin. I held my shield in my hand and Natasha had a gun in her left. She went up to the door, opening it carefully. It was open, to my surprise. we stepped inside to find it empty. It was very small, only a little living room and a kitchen. I went to the only door in the cabin, expecting a bathroom, but found a staircase leading downwards instead. I looked at Nat and she followed me downstairs. I held my shield high, getting ready for whatever was down there. It didn't take long until gun shots hit the shield and I took Natasha's arm, pressing her to me as the shield took all the shots. They stopped after a while and Natasha nodded to me. We stood up and ran into the room. Natasha shot three men with guns and I hit two with my shield. They all fell to the ground.
"Let's see what they're hiding." Natasha said smirking. One of the shot men on the floor moaned. "Oh shut up or the next shot will kill you." She said.
We looked through the oddly enormous basement and found a big metal door.
I pressed it open and we stepped in. There was a table in the middle of the room, a man was tied to it. Natasha shrugged at the sight. A lot of memories was probably brought to her mind. She stepped closer to the man and shakes her head at me.
"He's dead." She said.
I nodded.
We looked around the rooms. The walls was full of pictures of women and men. All laying in the exact table that was placed in the middle of the room. Everyone on the pictures looked dead or at least past out. Natasha and I looked over the photos. Natasha suddenly stopped breathing at the sight of a young man with brown hair. I recognised his face but I didn't know from where. I looked over to Natasha's non breathing body and found her hand holding the necklace that she had around her neck. Now I know from where.
"Alexi.." She whispered dead quietly. Not realising I heard.
"There's nothing important here. Let's blow up the place like we're supposed to and then get the hell out of here." She said, walking towards the door. I nodded and followed her. We were suddenly greeted by at least 20 guys with masks. Everyone pointed a gun at us.
"Nice to finally meet you Captain America." One of the men said, taking a step forward. "And the lovely Black Widow, nice to see you again. It's been a while."
"And you are?" Natasha said, pointing her gun at him. The guy chuckled.
"Sure you remember me." He said as he took of his mask, reviling his face. I dropped my shield in surprise.
"Bucky?!" I said, my mouth open.
As fast as the shield dropped to the floor, the men surrounded me with the guns. All pointing at my body. Stupid move. I thought to myself. Natasha aimed her gun at Bucky hoping to get the others to stop pointing at me.
"Put the gun down dear Natalia or they'll shoot him." Bucky said. She did as he told her and but she didn't enjoy it.
"What do you want asshole?" She said to Bucky. He laughed at her angry tone.
"I just want to talk. It's been a while." He said taking a few steps closer to Natasha.
"Yes, it has. And I've enjoyed every minute of it." She said, uncomfortable by his presence. When he was close enough he put his hand on her cheek.
"Surely you must have missed me. We had some fun times." He said. She slapped away his hand and made a irritated face.
"No, not really." She said, expressing her anger. He laughed.
"You just don't remember." He said and she hit him hard in his stomach, making him loose air for a second. I took this as a chance and started hitting the men around me and succeeded to take my shield. Natasha started shooting some guys but ended up fighting Bucky. She succeeded to throw him down to the floor with her thighs and he hit her in the face. She hit him back but then he managed to punch her really hard in the stomach and she fell to the floor. I was busy kicking down the other men and couldn't help. She soon got to her feet and took a black widow bite on him, making Bucky pass out. She ten shot a few other guys and kicked them down to the floor. After a while of punches and lucky shots, they were laying past out on the floor. Natasha bent over, her hand over her stomach. I quickly went over to her.
"Are you okey?"
"No, but it's fine." She said. She looked up at me and took away some blood from my head.
"What are we going to do about Bucky?" She said and I looked at her and shock my head.
"Who the hell is Bucky?" Bucky said and a shot could be heard. Everything went black.

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