Part 20

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Natasha's POV

"I want to go on a trip." He said as he looked down at me. I had my arms around his neck and looked at his face confused.
"Yeah because you're so tired from all the hard work we've done?" I said sarcastically. He smiled.
"Oh come on, we've been doing a lot of work." Steve said.
"Yeah.. Watching some people fight each other, it's really stressful." I said again, smirking this time.
Steve just shock his head.
"So we're do you want to go? And why?" I asked curiously.
"I'd like some days alone with you. I thought we could use some days just the two of us since we missed out on well, 10 months." He said and I felt a little sad.
"9 months and 2 weeks actually.." I said smirking, trying to hide my memories from the months without Steve. "But where are we going?"
"I don't know." Steve said. "I guess we'll see." He smiled. I smiled.

I turned to him when I sat in the car, ready to go.
"How did you even make us get a few days of?" I asked and he just looked at me and smiled. I waited for him to say something before I realised what he meant by that smile.
"You sneaky bastard. They don't know we're leaving do they?" I asked, half laughing, half trying to be serious.
"Nope. Well, I told Wanda to take charge which she was happy to do so they're all fine." He said while starting the car. I shock my head, smiling.
"They all think I'm the bad one, but that's just because they don't know you like I do." I said and Steve smiled.

Steve's POV

We've been driving for a few hours. We had no idea where we would go but we just drove the car and took turns to decide which road to take. This was much better than any trip to a warm country. I got as I wanted. To spend every moment with Natasha and learn everything about her.
"My favourite food? Why do you want to know that?" She asked smiling.
"I want to know everything about you." I said smiling brighter.
"That's either really cute or really scary." She said laughing.
I smiled and we went quiet for a while, looking out the windows at the forest surrounding us. Not that it was much to see, since the sky was dark.
"If you could change something in your past, what would it be?" Natasha said and looked at me. I became serious but didn't answer the question. She knew my answer and I knew she knew.
"Yeah, I get that. You would have gotten of that plane. So you'd be alive, back then." She said understanding but still looked a little sad.
"And you would have escaped. Before they even got their hands on you." I said looking at her. Her eyes showed pain from the memories and she nodded.
"It's funny how these shitty things we went through actually led to something good."
"What?" I asked.
"Well, you. Us." She said and I smiled.
"When I think about it, I would have slept for 100 years if I knew I would meet you when I woke up." I said and Natasha looked out the window with a smile on her face.
"I wish I could say something like that as well." She said. "I never thought I'd have a chance to be happy." I didn't have a chance to say something before she pointed at something.
"There! A bed and breakfast." She said and I made a left turn and drove in to the dark little road.
"I do hope it's open." I said as I parked the car outside a little house.
We grabbed our things, being two bags, and went inside. Lucky for us, it was open.
Natasha went to the desk in the hallway and looked around.
"Someone here?" She yelled a little.
I walked up beside here.
"I am." I whispered in her ear.
"Stop it silly." She said smiling.
A woman with a flowery shirt and pants that were way to long for her short legs came running to the desk.
"I'm so sorry. Welcome! We're not used to having many people coming here. And not in this time of the night for sure." She said happily. "Or maybe you don't want a room?" She said a little sad.
"No, we want a room." I said and her face got a big smile. She talked so much I was afraid she would forget to breath.
"I'm Mrs. Darwin. But you can call me Annie." She said trying to shake Natasha's hand but she didn't give it to here so I shock it instead.
"Nice to meet you Annie." I said smiling. "I'm St.."
"He's Simon Rushman and I'm Natalie Rushman." Natasha said and smiled.
"It's very pleasant to meet you. Here is the key to your room, I hope you'll enjoy your staying. Can I help you with the bags?" She asked.
"No were fine." I said and she smiled.
"Well then, have a good night." She said as she showed us the way to the stairs.
"You too." I said and I could almost feel how Natasha rolled her eyes at my politeness."

When we got into the room, I looked around. It's not that bad. But it's not a hotel suit. But it's nice. Natasha threw herself on the bed.
"This is the best room they got. I'm pretty sure we're the only ones staying here. And you almost blew our covers." She moaned from the bed.
"Well I'm sorry, I didn't know we had covers. Might understand why it's a good idea though." I said as I laid down next to her.
"Why?" She asked and looked at me.
"We'll be left alone." I said and she smirked. I looked at her beautiful face and into her beautiful eyes. I placed my hand on her cheek and kissed her.

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