Chapter 95

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Matt's POV

"Lana." I called. "I'm going."

She walked out to the living room smiling. "Have fun."

I smiled at her before walking over and pulling her into my arm's. "Are you sure you want me to go, I can stay here?" I whispered softly, kissing her neck.

"I'm sure." She murmured.

I hugged her tightly, my poor Lana. She'd been struggling these last few weeks and now the baby was overdue I was beginning to wonder of it was ever going to come out. Lana had never worn much throughout this pregnancy but in the last week she wore basically nothing and it was driving me a little insane.

"Okay, I'll have my phone on." I said smiling and kissing her softly. "And babe, clothes."

She groaned and play hit my chest. I hugged and kissed her again before heading out to my car.

We were meeting at the golf club, all of us and I was looking forward to it, I always looked forward to our Tuesdays but I couldn't help worry about Lana, even though her obstetrician assured us that everything was fine.

"I'm staying here." Brian announced when we all met up at the golf club.

"What?" I wasn't entirely sure what he meant, although I had a good idea.

"In the clubhouse." He explained. "I'll start on the beers while you play golf. And here." He said handing me his phone. "If Marty calls, tell her I'm at a different hole or something."

I shook my head, agreeing and grabbing his phone. I wasn't sure why Brian ever even agreed to play golf with us, he really didn't like it and I was pretty sure he was more interested in the drinks at the end of the day.

Zack and I were going to share a cart, but then we remembered last time we let Johnny and Jimmy loose together on the golf course, so between us Zack and I figured it probably wasn't a great idea to stick Jimmy with Johnny, so I went with Jimmy and Johnny went with Zack. Zack drove of course. Who would let Johnny loose behind the wheel of a golf cart?

The morning started off pleasantly, the first few holes were good, Johnny was behaving, but when we reached the seventh hole I got a little pissed when Brian's phone started to ring and continue to ring.

"Fuck." I snapped, throwing my club down and walking to the cart.

I grabbed Brian's phone, noticing the missed calls from Marty. I shrugged, that was his problem, I thought as I turned it off, smiling at the thought of Brian explaining to Marty why he didn't answer his phone.

"You okay?" Zack asked as I walked back over and picked up my club, preparing to make my shot.

"FUCK." I yelled as my phone started ringing.

Johnny started laughing and I considered smacking him in the mouth.

I grabbed my phone,  great it was Marty and she was pissed, not that I cared, I could hear Lana in the background and what I heard made my hair stand on end.

"Lana what are you doing?" She screamed. "Don't fucking push, you're not having this baby in a car."

"Jesus Marty." I yelled and everyone looked at me. "What the fuck?"

"Move your ass Matthew." She snapped at me. "This baby ain't waiting." And she hung up on me.

I stood there for a second, shocked. Lana was having the baby and by the sounds of things, she was having it now.

"I gotta go." I snapped, turning and running, not thinking, just needing to get to my car.

"Matt." Zack called. "The cart."

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