Final Chapter (of book 1)

34 3 15

Tyler's POV
"come on Skylar!"
"hold on i have to get my shoes on!" She grabs her Tennis shoes from the car and puts them on. I grab her rists  and drag her out the door. We laugh and smile, I pull her into the forest. We have been planning this hike for weeks.

She kicks me in the shin and put her in a head lock and give her a noogie. We laugh our heads of and start to hike. "Skylar look!" i point to a Crystal on the ground. I pick it up, it was turquoise on the tip and it fades to a white clear-ish on the end. I hand the sparkly jewel to Skylar and her smile grows bigger. "i will treasure it for evuh!!" she puts it in her pocket and we keep on walking.

We see cardinals, Bluejays, and Mockingbirds. We come across a stream and we sit down on a rock beside the stream. Skylar lays her head on my sholder and her hair tickles my neck. We then see a bunny eats one of the plants and Skylar fangirls over it. As she goes over to the other side to see the trees i stay.

I look at her Milk Chocolate hair, waving throuh the air i feel relaxed. As a boy, me and my family would always hike, but after my father's ingury we just stopped.

A swarm of butterflys fly out from the trees. It was beautiful, I saw Skylar and she was amazed. Her eyes glisend as the sun beamed on her face. I couldnt help but stare at her. What have i done, that i deserved a beautiful girl like her? My i wish i could spend the rest of my life with her.

The other day we were talking about collage. She wanted to go to Alabama University to become a teacher. I said I wanted to become a Football coach for Florida because i LOVE the beach. Skylar said she really wanted to go to Alabama University, i was determind to go there too. So instead I'm going to try to become a coach for the Alabama football team.

As she twirls around to the music she put on her ipod touch, i snuck up to her. I grabbed her hand and placed my other hand on her waist. We dance to the ball music. Everything felt good, it felt right, it felt as if my heart grew twice as big. She closed her eyes and laid her head on my chest, was it the fact i had love? or was it the fact i felt loved? I couldnt answer that question right away.

It felt like we danced for hours, she lifted her head up and wispered "Kia's watching."
"i know, i honestly dont care any more" She smiles in relaxation and lay's her head back down on my chest. i eye down Kia and mouth to her 'i see you, now go' She went running with her camra, and i felt even more relaxed.

We dance a bit more and let go, her laugh kindles my smile, and we keep on walking. I grab her rists as i spot a gazibo, we run twards it and sit down. The whole world becomes silent exept the birds and their love songs. I run my hand through her soft hair and she smiles. i never want tl lose her, especially to Josh. Skylar lay's her head on my sholder and i rap my arm around to her sholder and she giggles. "what's so funny?"
"yeah, We've been dating for only 3 months and you already act like you've already been a boyfriend"
"That's because i was before." i frown and she gets up.
"hold up! what?"
"in 9th grade i dated Kia. She seemed nice and she thought i was cute and handsome. i never told you because, i was ashamed of my actions. I had alway loved you and i thought it would make you jelous. I thought word would spread around, but then i couldn't handle it so i dumped her. She was so made she kicked her heel on my shin."
"so that's why you were always late for game night. and also why you had a huge purple mark on your shin." Skular laughs as i was confused.
"Why are you happy? i thought you would get mad."
"well mad that you didnt tell me. but that's in the past." i was relieved she understood. But i have learned from the years that she was one person to forgive even the biggest problem. My friends were right, i got a good one. "how's your book coming along"
"well i only have 2 chapters, and all it is is about best friends."
"oh yeah whay are their names?"
"Grace and this boy named Smith"
"Cool, what is it about."
"you know, boy and girl be besties than deh fall in wwwwoooove."
"hmmm. that sounds similar" she playfully punches me and laughs. It started to rain and we had no jackets. She just called her mom to pick us up, and she said she would be there in 30 minutes. We decided that we had no where to go because we were trapped from pouring rain.

it started to clear up, but started to sprinkle. We start walking down the hill until i stop. "What's wrong?"
"I dont want to ever lose you." i say almost crying. i run up to her and kiss her.. Time stops and every moment being with her warms my heart. i love her too much to let her go. Everything feels right again. The wind push her hair to tickle me face. My thoughs soften, i hope this aint just My Path to follow.

thanks so much for reading. the next book will come in next week, i have to say bye for now so
Word count: 1005

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