Chapter 8: Prom part 3

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Tyler's POV 
We do some spins, and funky dance moves. Her smiles enlight me, it's time. I tell Skylar to stay in the center of the dance floor. I tell the DJ to turn on Sad Song, i hold my hand out to Skylar and she giggles. "May i have this dance?"
"you may"

You and i,
we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky,

We dance and she smiles, all the memories come back to me

"Back away!!"

"Boys are stupid"
"i know"

"That's the Tyler i know"

With you im alive
like all the missing peices of my heart, they finally collide.

So stop time right here in the moonlight,
cause i dont ever want to close me eyes.

Our eyes lock, and the spotlight is on us. But the whole earth feels silent. I grab her hand with my right hand, and put my left hand on her waist. What....! My dad taught me how to dance.

Without you, i feel broke.
Like I'm half of a whole.
Without you, I've got no hand to hold.
Without you, i feel torn.
Like a sail in a storm.
Without you, I'm just a sad song. "I'm just a sad song" i sing along with the music. I start to shake now, i do the final dip spin. i heat up 100 degrees, i slowly lean in...

Skylar's POV 
Tyler leans in while we did the final dip. I get closer to him. We kiss. My eyes widen in suprizement, my finger tingle, my stomach grows butterflies. I close my eyes, and my whole world changes. 

We let go and i give a grin and give him a peck on the cheek. He smiles back and everyone claps. We look at each other and laugh. i hug him close and i hear him heart and it is beating like he ran a mile in 30 seconds. I dont think we friends any more. (everyone has asked us "are you boyfriend and girlfriend.... it really got annoying Tyler: never for a second for me~ Author~Chan: THIS ISNT YOUR POV SHOO!!)
"Skylar Beth Kenston will you be my Girlfriend?" Tyler says, he straightens his tie and his eyes sparkle in the blue light.
"of course" i say as gently and softly as i could. i jump up and hug him again.
"Okay everyone! We just got all the votes in. And the winners for the Prom King and Queen are....


We go up on the little stage and receive our crowns. And we got first pick at a another song,
"how 'bout Up Town Funk" i say, since we already had a dance we didnt really do the traditional prom King and Queen dance.

Kelcee and Josh come up to us. "dude, i knew the first day i beat you up. i knew you belonged together. Remember in 7th Grade?" (it was supposed to be 7th not 5th 😅)
"Sheesh, yeah Josh" Josh will never learn
"Congrats girlfriend!!" Kelcee screams, She jumps up and down, in the most cheerful voice. She takes out her camera and signals that she wants to take a picture. She said she wanted us to do a kissing picture so we did, just a peck. flash She texts it to me, then i text it to Tyler.

They go away, and we talk about, well... us. " you know you have to ask my dad before it's 'official'"
"yeah, i know" he smiles, but on the inside i know he's nervous.
"It's fine, i know he'll accept"

We walk home. Apparently his driver/friend had to take the limousine back to the dealership. The temperature started to drop, and it was cold for 11:00 pm. I put my hands on my upper arms. i knew i should've brought a coat. Tyler saw me and took off his jacket, and put it on me.

We arrive at my house, we ring the door bell and my dog, daisy goes crazy. We hear shush! from behind the door. "Oh Skylar you're home!" My mom gives me and bear hug.
"um... Mrs. Kenston.. i need to talk to Mr. Kenston."
"yes, he is onbthe couch watching his Football."
"Hey! Tyler! how'd it go?" My dad yelled from the living room. I swear he's got the ears of a bat.

Tyler's POV 
i go inside the house. Skyler was going to bed and i went to living room. i sit over next to Mr. Kenston. "GO PANTHERS!!!!" he yells. They have relitives that live in North Carolina.
"so Mr.Kenston"
"yeah son" (he calls boy son, so dont think anything about it)
"i wanted to ask you if it was okay... if i asked your daughter to be my girlfriend?"
"well yeah son. But put your right hand up and repeat me" he turns around and i put my right hand up and so does he.

i promise,
to take care,
of Mr. Kenston's daughter.
For as long as i am with her.
If i harm her,
in anyway there will,
be serious problems.

I say all these things, any thing for Skylar. I leave the house and the limousine is back.
"Laurence.." i said to my smirking friend.
"hey, i know how romance works." he replyed.... its an inside joke....

Hey guys so sorry this wasnt as lonh as i thought. i was doing this from my mind, i didnt write it down. The word count fir this was 851. sorry i couldnt make more. it took so long!!

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