Chapter 4: Dont hurt her!

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Tyler's POV
The next day i meet Josh at the lockers. "How could you break her heart?" he gave me an evil smirk and ignores my question. i grab him by the shirt as anger the anger and tension builds up. A crowd forms and he laughs, then trows a punch that knocked me square in the nose. My nose dripping with blood, the pain hurts but all he does is pick me up and says "if you want a fight that give me your best shot!"
"i aint that kind of guy Josh and you know it!"
He kicks me in the shin as i try to block his punches and kicks. I get Bruises, scrapes, and dirt all over me. The crowd grows bigger and i hear "Get him Josh!" and "He's scrony Finish him!!" at every corner. Im not going to punch, im not going to punch, thats it.... When i was just about to lose sanity i here a familiar voice, one i didnt think i would her this time, a soft gentle voice that went over the crowd of hatred. 

"Get up Tyler" Skylar's voice echos through my ear. I get up and the whole crowd becomes silent, i grunt in pain and try to lift my self up. i push through the crowd and limp. Skylar comes walking to my side and clings her arm to my arm as if it were a chain. "Now that's the Tyler i know and love." i blush bright red and laugh as we walk to class. I could feel everyone behind us just staring. Skyar puts her head on my sholder, the pain hurts but if its her i dont mind.

Sorry this was a bit shorter than normal, but i couldnt think of any thing else to put in this chapter. The new schedule for this series is every other day. If i cant it might be because of school work or somthing important. 😀

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