Chapter 10: Movie Night

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Skylar's POV
After the whole being boyfriend and girlfriend my dad has been stareing down Tyler. But anyhoo! Me and Tyler had arranged a movie night at my house. We decided that we would watch Hunger Games, and he insisted he rent it.

Text- Ty-Tyler Sy-Sklar

Ty- Hey babe?
Sy- Yeah?
Ty- i found romeo and juliette
Sy- RELY!!
Sy- REALLY!! 😍
Ty- Yeah, do you want me to get it?
Sy- Heck yeah❗
Sy- i mean yes Pls

7:36 pm. Kenston Household

"I'll get it!!" i was expecting it was Tyler. I swung the door open, and to my suprize it was Josh. Behind him was Tyler running across the street to my house. Josh leaned in for a kiss. I froze, what should i do? I put my hands on his chest and with all my strength pushed him away (sorry for the suspence =)) Tyler ran to him, put his hand on his sholder and turned him around. " Get out!! NOW!" he yelled Josh. I went wide eyed. Tyler almost threw a punch at him but missed.. He aint the same Tyler i can tell you that!! We were both tired of that perv. Josh went running for the hills. Kia met up with him and wispered in his ears.

"hey" Tyler says with a more calm tone. He kissed me on the cheek and i hugged him. We put our foreheads together laughing. I let go and close the door as we go inside.

"you are lucky my parents are down stairs."
"Quite frankly yes."
"You've changed, Tyler (mid name: Silus) Rene."
"Me? nah!" He says with his hand on his heart, with a sarcastic voice.
"We better get the movie started" We go up to my white room decorated with beautiful neat jewels everywhere on the walls. I climb onto my Queen sized bed, while Tyler puts in the disc.

A few minutes later, my mom comes in with Daisy. Daisy comes tackleing Tyler, filling him with puppy kisses. We all laugh, and i notice my mom is carrying a huge bowl of pop corn and Diet Coke. She sets it on my White wooden night stand and wispers. "No more kiss'in while your dad is in the house." she smiles wide as my eyes start to widen. She motions Daisy to leave, and my mom follows as closing the door. Tyler grabs the remote, and sits on the bed. As i snuggle i his arms... while eating the buddery popcorn of course! Man!! how much more cliche can my life get? 

Kia's POV
I wack Josh in the head as the night sky turns darker. "you idiot Josh!!"
" it's not my fault!"
"shut up! is it that hard to kiss a girl?!"
"Well tomorrow at school. Just kiss her!! This cant fail! i am not paying you 300 dollars for slack!"

Sorry guys that i was sick, i feel much better. i cant wait where this leads to. Hee Hee 😀

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