Chapter Nineteen: Him Not 'It'

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~Months Later~

Bryant POV

It's been months since I last saw him... things haven't been the same. My parents avoid me as much as they can, when they are around me all they do is scowl and send me disappointing looks. I haven't been able sleep properly knowing that Chai isn't safe and I know Shelby is worrying about me a lot

"Bry you need to eat something" I heard Shelby say knocking me out of my trance I had on my homework 

"I'm fine" I replied not really wanting to talk, I heard her sigh and she came up behind me putting her hands on my shoulders 

"Come on Bry you're as thin as a twig and I'm worried about you" She continued making me sigh and look down at my lap

"I miss him Shelb" I mumbled

"I know hun... I miss him to" She replied softly, normally I would have balled my heart out at this point but I don't think I have any tears left I've cried so much. Shelby can around to my side and knelled down beside me 

"Do you know what's going with him?" She questioned 

"No... If he's still alive he'd be in the aquarium by now, testing usually only lasts around two months" I answered thinking back to when dad use to take me in to the lab when I was young 

"Well why don't we go and see for ourselves?" She exclaimed grabbing my arm trying to pull me up

"If my mum catches me there she'll kill me" I shrugged 

"Well we'll just have to make sure she doesn't catch us" She said with a smirk


We walked through the entrance of the aquarium scanning the area from the moment we walked in making sure neither of my parents where there. The first thing I noticed when I walked in I saw posters and displays everywhere in the lobby with bold letters all over them saying 

Live Merman

Level Two

"So what's the plan?" I asked turning to Shelby

"Simple, I'll wait outside the enclosure and keep watch whilst you go in a see Chai" Shelby answered 

"What if my parents come?" I replied, if I was seen here they'd kill me

"I'll text you if I see them coming, you can just go around and we'll book it" She continued

"Alright" I replied nervously 

"Hey, it'll be alright" Shelby said with a small smile as she put her hand on my shoulder. I nodded and we began our trek up to the second story. We arrived just outside the tank was where Chai would be, Shelby stopped to keep a look out as I walked forwards with shaking hands. 

Lots of people were crowded around the large tank which was just a plain blue and had nothing inside. I gently pushed past people until I got to the front of the crowd, I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I looked around the tank but there was no sign of him making me more nervous by the second

"Where's the mermaid mummy? I want to see it?" I heard a little girl whine, I looked to the side and saw the little girl was looking up at her mum with a sad face. Normally I would have felt bad to see a little girl but not this time. 

"We'll come back later, maybe it'll be out then" She replied dragging her child off, I guess some of the other people heard because they all began walking away until it was just me. I frowned and sat down trying to get a better view into the large, empty tank

"Chai?" I asked quietly, even if he was in there he most likely couldn't hear me... at least I thought. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I saw brunette hair, I turned and my eyes went wide when I saw him

"O-Oh my god..."

But a mermaid has no tears, and therefore she suffers so much more." — Hans Christian Andersen    

I freaking love cliff hangers >:D

Heh heh heeeeeeeeh 

Thanks for reading!

Question of the day

If you had to kill one of these characters... who would it be?

I'm not asking that for any reason... or am I? >:)

~Gummi xoxoxo X3

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