Chapter Fourteen: Fainting

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Bryant's eyes widened and quickly jumped up grabbing Chai before he fell onto the floor, Bryant looked and saw Chai was extremely pale and his eyes where closed; he had passed out. Bryant laid him on the floor and put his hands on Chai's face

"Chai? Chi speak to me!" Bry panicked shaking Chai a little, everyone in the cafe was looking at them but no one was doing anything. Bryant quickly pulled out his phone and called Shelby, she picked up pretty quickly like normal

"Hey Bry what's up?" Shelby asked 

"Shelb I need help! I'm at the smoothie cafe and Chai's passed out!" Bryant panicked keeping his other hand on Chai's face 

"Oh my god! I'll be right there I'm right around the corner" She replied and hung up, Bry looked down at Chai and saw his lips were turning blue

"Oh god..." Bryant whispered to himself, Shelby came in and quickly knelled down near the two boys 

"We need to get him out of here" Shelby said with a frown, Bryant nodded and helped Shelby pick him up. Bryant carried him bridal style down the street as he and Shelby ran back to the house, Bryant placed Chai down on the couch 

"What happened?" Shelby asked grabbing out her first air kit

"I don't know he just when pale and his lips started going blue" Bryant panicked 

"Well maybe he's just having a lack of salt water again?" Shelby suggested 

"Maybe he's been out of the water for about two weeks now" I replied 

"I'll run down to the beach and grab a few buckets of it" Shelby said and ran out of the room with two buckets in her hands, Bryant picked up Chai and carried him into the bathroom placing him down in the bath. Chai began stirring and opened his eyes weakly 

"Bry-Bryant? What's go...going on?" Chai asked 

"Shhh Chai it's alright you'll be ok" Bryant said quietly

"Why am I in the bath?" Chai asked looking around 

"You passed out in the cafe, we think you haven't had enough ocean water in a while" Bryant said grabbing Chai's hand and rubbing his hand 

"Mmm... my head hurts" Chai groaned closing his eyes again 

"Don't worry Shelby will be back soon with some water, can you take your clothes so when you turn back you won't rip the clothes" Bryant said, Chai nodded and slowly took them off placing them on the floor

"I'm back!" Shelby shouted, Bryant got up and walked out of the bathroom to grab the two buckets off Shelby 

"I'll do it" Bryant said taking the buckets, he walked into the bath room and poured the ocean water into the bath. Chai transformed a little slower as he wasn't feeling well 

"I think you should stay in over night just in case" Shelby said with a warm smile, Chai nodded and looked down at his tail

"Almost forgot that I had this" Chai laughed lightly touching his tail

"Me too" Bryant smirked 

"Alright you two no making out until I'm out of the room, I'll run down to the fish and chip shop and get us some food" Shelby said pushing Bryant a little before walking out of the room. Bryant sat down again near Chai with a sigh 

"I'm sorry I ruined our day again..." Chai mumbled

"Hey you didn't ruin it, its not your fault" Bryant replied firmly, Chai sighed again and rolled away from Bryant feeling very guilty

"Chaaaaai... look at me" Bryant pouted poking Chai's shoulder 

"Nooooo" Chai replied 

"Come on you pouty baby" Bryant laughed, Chai rolled his eyes and turned over again and looked at Bryant with a frown

"You're adorable" Bryant smirked, Chai frowned and shook his head

"No" Chai replied 

"You need some sleep, I'll wake you up when Shelby gets back alright?" Bryant said, Chai nodded and yawned closing his eyes 

~Don't worry Chai isn't gonna die XD~

Thanks for reading!!!

~Gummi xoxoxo X3

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