Chapter Three: He's Half Fish

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"So what are you gonna do?" Shelby questioned me as she sat down on my bed 

"About what?" I asked 

"Um hello? The merman in your bath!" She replied giving me an annoyed look

"Oh right... I don't know?" I replied sheepishly wringing my hands out 

"Well you can't keep him in there forever, he's meant to be in the ocean but he's not well enough to swim by himself, the cut in his tail was quite deep" She frowned writing down notes in her notepad she always carries with her 

"How long will it take to heal?" I asked

"At the least 2 months" She replied causing my jaw to hit the floor 

"Two months?! So I have to keep a giant fish in my bath for two months?!" I exclaimed and Shelby nodded

"I can't tell my parents! One of them works at an aquarium and the other one is a marine biologist! He'll be dissected in two seconds if my parents find him!" I panicked putting my hands on my head and I began to pace the length of my bedroom 

"Hey, we'll figure this out we always do" Shelby said stopping me from pacing, I sighed and dragged a hand down my face

"How are we going to make this work?" I questioned

"I'm not sure but we'll do it together" She replied with a smile 

Chai POV

I want to go home, I don't know these land people and they are going to end up hurting me. That's what I have always been told, never come near land people EVER

And now I'm stuck in one of the land peoples... bathrooms? I have to get out of here and back to the pod, they could be halfway across the world by now! Suddenly the door opened again and I tried to push myself away from the door as the land boy and land girl walked in

"So Chai, you're gonna be staying here for a while with Bryant, your tail is badly injured and you'll only get worse if you go back in the ocean" The land girl explained making my eyes widen 

"N-No! I have to go no-now!" I panicked gripping onto the... buth? 

"Why what's the matter?" The land boy/ 'Bryant' asked

"I hav-have to get ba-back to my pod..." I replied quietly looking away from the two

"Pod? As in like a pod of dolphins?" Bryant questioned 

"I think he means as in a pod of mermaids" Shelby replied

"There are more of you!?" Bryant asked surprised

"Y-Yes?" I replied not daring to look him in the eyes 

"God, if my dad ever got his hands on one of you..." Bryant mumbled with a worried look on his face

"That isn't going to happen, Bry, we won't let it happen" Shelby protested 

"Please... I-I have to go back to my po-pod, they'll thi-think I've been killed!" I begged them 

"I'm sorry Chai, you're not well enough if you go out there you will be killed this is what's best for you right now" Shelby said leaning down near me

"I-I wanna go home..." I whimpered, I felt something trickling down my cheek

"W-What's that?" I asked confused

"You're crying, haven't you ever cried before?" Bryant asked

"N-No... am I going to die?" I questioned getting more scared by the minute

"No sweetheart it just means you're a little sad and you cry when you're sad" Shelby replied

"Oh..." I mumbled 

"Do you need anything?" Bryant asked

"No" I replied 

Bryant POV

Chai really isn't happy he has to stay, he was crying when we told him he couldn't go home

"Poor thing, I wish he could go back" Shelby sighed shutting the door

"I know, I'll try and keep him company" I replied

"But you can't the whole time, we've got school in a month and he'll still be here for another one after that" Shelby reminded me 

"You're right, god I shouldn't have done this" I sighed flopping back onto my bed

"Bryant he would have died he you had of left him out there, you did a good thing, you saved his life" Shelby said trying to lighten the mood

"I guess but I also ruined it at the same time " I replied 

"Come on, it'll be easy I'll help you the whole time" she said flopping down beside me

"Where would I be without you Shelb?" I asked and she smiled

"Probably dead" she replied with a shrug 


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