Saved By The Nell

Start from the beginning

“Asshole.” I hiss. “What did you do to my shoulder?”

He smirks. “I hit it.” If I could, I would flip him the finger right now, since that adds to my throbbing pain. A headache, a throbbing shoulder, plus the bleeding cuts I have on my knees from the explosion.

I hope Nell and the brothers are alright. If they’re not, I swear I’m gonna come back as a ghost and kill each Blood and Bones member.

“Well, well, well. We have a little faker on our hands, don’t we?” Bones smirks. I spit in his direction, so he chuckles. How do you find something like that funny?

“We have to hurry. The brothers will be able to find us soon.” Scar snaps.

Bones glares at him. “Don’t tell me what to do. I’m the boss.”

“More like an idiot.” Scar mutters.

“What was that?” Bones growls.

Scar plasters on a fake smile. “Nothing at all.”

“Let’s just get this over with.” Tony snaps, glaring at the two.

Bones smirks and nods. “Now, this might hurt….a lot…” He slowly comes at me with a needle, and my eyes widen. Hell to the no.

The knots finally come undone and I swing at him, the needle flying towards the corner of the room. Bones curses and I stand up, balancing my self with my feet still tied together, and swing the hard metal chair at the other vampires. I quickly untie my feet, smirking in victory.

I should join the FBI or something. I just took down five vampires!

I dive towards the needle, grabbing in my hands. Ha! I hear some gasps, and I look over at the worried vampires who have their gazes on the needle.

I smirk. “Yeah. Stay back. That’s right.” I take a step forward and they all take a step backward. Seriously? What’s in this thing that their so afraid of?

A loud thud interrupts my wondering, and all of our gazes go to the small window. “NORA, WHERE ARE YOU?” I hear someone call out. Bart. Bones swears under his breath, and before I know it, I’m knocked to the ground, the needle flying out of my hands and into Bones’s.

“Cain, throw her in the trunk. We need to move. Now.” Cain follows Bones’s orders and lifts me up, and I growl, hitting him with all my might.

“God. Your so annoying.” He mutters, and shoves me into a dark trunk of a black car.

“Hey! What are you-” He shuts the trunk, smirking. My mouth pops open. They just locked me in a trunk of a car. Do they not know how rude that is?

I feel around in the dark for something, anything, and I grin in victory when I feel something hard. It’s got a button, so I flick it, and a light shines through.


“What are the odds of finding a flashlight in here…oh the irony…” I mutter, flashing it around the trunk. I hear the car take off, and I roll around a little bit considering how fast we’re going.

“Watch out! Who is that….?” I hear Bones snap, and then the car swerve. Whoa.

“Is that…is that who I think it is!?” Cain growls, then something smashes into the car, and we swerve again. If I puke, I’m not paying to get the car redone.

“Stupid girl.” Bones mutters, swerving again. Wait a minute, hold the phone. What girl? I don’t know any girl except for Nell….My eyes widen.

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