We arrive to the Audi safely, thank God. I buckled Kathrin in the back, and sit in the front. Erik has been awfully quiet all this time. It makes me nervous, and I don't know why.

I try looking at him, but his eyes are focused on the road, which is good, but makes me have an uneasy feeling. I try my best to ignore that feeling, and look back at Kathrin. She has my phone and is playing an app that teaches her Spanish.

"Ahora, ¡vamos a contar!" The app lady says. "Repitan por favor,"

Kathrin looks confused and I laugh. "She said that you're going to count. Repeat what she says, okay?"

Kathrin nods. "Got it."

"Uno.. Dos.. Tres.. Cuarto.. Cinco.. Seis.. Siete.. Ocho.. Nueve.. Diez. ¡Muy bien!"

Kathrin repeated the numbers, and it's adorable.

"Mommy, I did it! Daddy, did you hear me?" Kathrin says, all excited.

I nod. "You did, and I'm extremely proud of you. Maybe, one day, you'll be better at Spanish than me."

She laughs. "No. You're the best Spanish speaker ever, mommy, right daddy?"

Erik smiles a little. "Of course she is. But, like she said, you can be better than her."

"Daddy, will you ever marry mommy?" Kathrin changes the subject, abruptly.

Erik slams the brakes. It's a good thing we're home.

"Why do you ask that?" Erik says after a while.

"Because my other parents were married, but I could tell they weren't happy."

Erik turns and looks at her. He takes her hands in his and says, "Liebe, ich weiß nicht, wo deine Mutter und ich werde stehen, wenn sie geht, aber ich kann versprechen dass ich mein Bestes versuchen sie eines Tages zu heiraten."

I have no idea what he just said, but Kathrin does. Maybe they're talking bad about me. Haha, I hope not.

Kathrin nods her tiny head. "Okay, ich liebe dich, Papa."

Erik smiles. "Ich liebe dich auch."

I understood "I love you." And "okay." Does "papa" mean dad? Ugh, I need to learn German.

"If you two are done speaking bad things about me, I'd like to go inside the house to get some rest." I say with a smile.

"Oh, we weren't saying bad things about you, momma." Kathrin says.

"Or were we?" Erik says with a smirk. I give him a glare and he laughs, "Just kidding. All good things, all good things."

I look at him confused. "Did you just quote Olaf?"

"Yeah. I love that movie. Come on, let's go inside."

I take out Kathrin from the back seat and nearly run into Erik when I turn around.

"Jesus, Erik! Can you walk?" I say.

"Shh shh. The lights are turned on. I turned them off." Erik says.

My German Footballer// An Erik Durm fanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin