Weasley Dinner

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  I woke up early on September 1st unintentionally. I looked up to the clock that was sat beside mine and Fred's bed. 07:00. Ugh. I tossed and turned in bed till I knew there was no point in trying to get back to sleep. I got out of bed and walked down the hall into the empty kitchen. Neither of the boys were up so I just sat with a cup of tea listening to the morning radio. It was really quiet and peaceful. At eight o'clock Fred strolled in rubbing his eye, his red hair messy and all over the place. "Morning love." He yawned as he walked over and kissed my cheek. "Morning Freddie." I said back. I made us both tea and started frying up some bacon.
"Why were you up so early this morning?" Fred asked as he drank his tea. I honestly don't know why.
"Maybe because I'm so used to waking up early to get to Kings Cross every year. It feels weird not doing it this year." I said and flipped the bacon as it sizzled in the pan. Fred came up behind me and wrapped his arms round my waist. "You can take the girl out of Hogwarts but you can't take the Hogwarts out of the girl. Next thing you know you'll be walking around in your Gryffindor robes." He teased and I giggled. I finished frying the bacon as George came shuffling in. "Morning George, bacon sandwich?" I asked handing Fred his. George nodded and I set the extra bacon onto some bread and gave it to him.

Business has been pretty slow and boring now that the kids have gone back to school. We still get the young kids looking for ways to prank their parents or the kids our age who want to prank their friends. Every now and then we would see someone we used to go to school with and catch up, even though it's only been 3 and a half months. I've been told by 'Mione and Ginny that our products are banned at school by Filch. Glad to see our legacy still lives on. I've also been told that Snape is the new DADA professor which makes me glad I left when I did if that git finally got his dream job.

I was sat in the living room watching the muggle TV we got working when Fred popped into the room. "Merlin's beard! You scared the crap out of me!" I yelled. He began to laugh as I glared at him. I put down the photo album Dad gave to me last year and walked over to Fred. I put my hands on my hips and tried to look intimidating but that's hard when you're a whole head shorter than someone. "Well little bunny, aren't you scary." He chuckled and I growled. "Hahaha! Mum wants to know if you want to come over for dinner tonight, most of us will be there: Mum, Dad, Bill, Fleur, me, Geo-"
"Wait, did you say Fleur?" I cut him off.
"Yeah. Did I forget to tell you, her and Bill are together." Fred said clueless and I gave him a look that said "Uh- yeah!"

 "Oops." He said innocently and I laughed. 

"Yeah, sure I'll come. I wanna see Fleur again. Plus your mum's cooking as way better than mine." I said.

I held onto Fred as we apparated to the Burrow, I was wearing a dark blue skater dress with similar coloured heels. Everything was still as I remembered it; the chicken coop, the shed, the pesky garden gnomes running around and the crooked, physics defying house. We walked through the door and was immediately pulled into a hug by Mrs Weasley. "Oh Fred, Anna, so good to see you." She said as she let go. I chuckled as I hung Fred's coat up after he passed it to me ( I was closer to the coat pegs.) "Good to see you too Mrs Weasley." I smiled. She told us dinner was almost ready and that everyone was in the living room. We walked in and was greeted by everyone. There was one non-redhead already in the room and when she saw me she squealed and jumped up. "Annabelle!" She ran over to me and hugged me.
"It's so good to see you Fleur, it's been so long." I said releasing her petite frame.
"Ve have so much to catch up on." She smiled, I nodded.
"We really do." I said and Mrs Weasley called everyone for dinner. I sat in my usual seat and looked down the table, it seemed relatively empty without Ginny, Ron, Harry and Hermione sitting with us, it was only me, Fred, George, Bill, Fleur, Molly and Arthur.

As always, Mrs Weasley's cooking was magnificent and the desert was just as good! I helped put everything away and so did Fleur, we were talking and catching up. "Oh Annabelle, you do not know do you?" Fleur said as she put a plate away. I gave her a confused glance. "Bill and I are going to be married." She said excitedly, I felt Mrs Weasley stiffen slightly next to me.
"That's wonderful Fleur, I'm so happy for you." I said and she skipped off to the guys after putting the last plate away. I hopped up and sat on the counter top as I spoke to Mrs Weasley. "I'm guessing you're not a huge fan of this wedding, are you?" I asked her.
"Not really, I just think they've rushed into it, that's all." She said as she dried her hands.
"Yeah, I mean they've known each other for what? A year?" I said as I swung my legs over the edge.
"Exactly. I know why it's happened of course. It's all the uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they're rushing into all sorts of decisions that they'd normally take time over." She ranted as she filled the glasses with butterbeer for everyone. "Off the side, you know better, you've lived here every summer for the past 5 years , you know the rules." She said and handed me the tray of drinks. "Hand these out to everyone please dear. " She smiled, I nodded and took the tray.
"Of course, Mrs Weasley." I walked into the living room just as she called "Call me Molly!" I shook my head and smiled. Everyone took a glass and we had a relaxing evening. At 8 o'clock the twins and I apparated home.

None of use were tired so we got into our pj's and watched muggle movies. I made popcorn and we all watched Pirates of the Caribbean where Fred and George would cheer when Captain Jack Sparrow did something awesome (every 10 minutes.) After that we watched Finding Nemo and we were laughing throughout the film at Dory. We fell asleep on the sofa and knocked over the remaining popcorn, so we have a lot of tidying up to do in the morning.   

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