Teacher from Hell

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  Since my detention with Umbridge a couple of weeks ago I've had to wear gloves over the bandage I've put on to reduce the bleeding, Hermione did a small healer thing with it so it doesn't bleed that much any more, almost not at all. Fred doesn't know yet because I know he will freak out when he does eventually find out.

I pack my stuff up from my table in the library where I've been sat for two hours since dinner. I put the books away and walked out of the library waving to Madam Pince as I leave. I make my way down the halls back to the Gryffindor common room where I know I can relax and not feel stressed out as much. I walk up to the portrait of the fat lady and say the password. As I step into the crowded common room I can hear the radio turned up loud, I don't tell them to turn it down because it's a pretty decent band that's playing. See I knew I'd be a bad Head Girl. I look around and spot Fred and George in a corner selling Skiving Snack Boxes to some first years. I walk over and tap their shoulders turning their attention away from the small first years. "What are you two doing you know you're not allowed to do that." I say crossing my arms over my chest.
"Yeah but we're friends with you so it's fine." George says dismissively.
"Just because you're friends with the head girl, aka moi, doesn't mean you can dodge authority." I say seriously with a straight face. The twins burst out laughing. "That's exactly what it means!" Fred says between laughs. I roll my eyes and smile at them, soon enough their laughs are contagious and I'm laughing with them. "Okay that is what it means, but you're advertising all wrong." I say matter-of-factly, I turn and take their brief case and the Skiving Snack Boxes and set them on a table in the centre of the room.

"What's she doing?" I heard George ask Fred as I climbed onto the table with the products.
"Gather round, Gather round for Weasley Wizard Wheezes Skiving Snack Boxes!" I yelled to my fellow Gryffindors, many people turned their heads to me as I continued. "We've got Fever Fudge, Nosebleed Nougat, Puking Pastels and Fainting Fancies! Great to get you out of class! All these wrapped up in one box for just two galleons. Any buyers!" People rushed over to buy a box as I stepped off the table, soon enough we are running out and I have to ask the boys to get more from their room. "She's bloody brilliant mate." George says as the rush up stairs.

In about half an hour we're sold a box to almost every Gryffindor. I see Hermione come in looking shocked at what we're doing. I put the last of our money in the pouch as she storms over. "Annabelle what are you doing, you should be telling them of not encouraging them. You're Head Girl for crying out loud!" She yelled at me.
" 'Mione this is my business too and we need the profit, also I didn't have the heart to yell at my boys." I said ruffling their hair, which it quite hard because they're getting so tall, I'm only reach Fred's shoulders when I'm not on tip-toes. "Well I do. Fred, George if I catch you selling them in the common room you will be in detention." She warned us and stormed off.
"You heard her, don't get caught." I winked and walked off for Head Girl duties.

Umbridge is getting more and more powerful within Hogwarts and is now giving detention for anything. Fred and George were caught selling their products and got detention for it. I forgot what he had scratched into him but it was also when I told him about my hand, at first he was angry then he took me to Madam Pomfrey to get it healed properly. Everyone at Hogwarts hates Umbridge but she doesn't give a flying monkey about it.

I was in the Great Hall having breakfast when everyone started to hear a conversation between McGonagall and Umbridge echoing in the Entrance Hall and we all ran out to watch. "Excuse me Professor but what exactly are you insinuating?" Umbridge said as she climbed the stairs to show her dominance in the conversation.
"I am merely suggesting that when it comes to my students you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices." McGonagall said as she took a step up and was on the same step as toad-face.
"So silly of me but it sounds as if you are questioning my authority in my own classroom, Minerva." Umbridge said challengingly.
"Not at all...Delores, merely your medieval methods." McGonagall said as she stepped onto the same step as Umbridge again.
"If they have a duel, I'm putting my money on McGonagall." I whispered behind me to Fred who chuckled.
"I'm sorry dear but to question my practices it to question the Ministry and, by extent, the Minister himself. I am a tolerant woman but the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty." McGonagall's face fell.
"Ohh disloyalty." She muttered as she stepped down a step and surrendered the dominance. Umbridge turned to address all us eavesdropping students. "Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action." From that day on things at Hogwarts got worse, much worse.

Umbridge was made High Inquisitor of the school and I swear she banned anything fun. She would walk around like she owned the place and was even starting to asses and fire staff and teachers.

One Saturday in late October I was in the courtyard showing odd the new fireworks Fred, George and I invented. "Ever played catch with a firework? We've made it so you can, let us demonstrate." I called as a small group crowded round us and watched in amazement as we passed a small firework between us three. Umbridge strutted over and quickly extinguished our firework. We all moaned in disappointment and I collected our stuff. "Can't do anything fun now can we?" I said as Umbridge walked away. She turned back around to face me.
"Miss Black, need I remind you what is on your hand?" She smiled sweetly as she walked away. I scowled at her and if looks could kill she would be in hell where she belongs. Fred took my hand and rubbed circles on it to calm me down, that's my coping method now, Fred.

Weasley Wizard Wheezes area also banned now so we've became a sort of black market business. If you're caught with our products you will be given detention, of course.

Music has been banned as well, so Umbridge is literally sucking the creativity and free spirit out of Hogwarts. I was thinking about this whilst sitting in study hall with Fred when I realized something. "She's a Dementor, Umbridge is a Dementor, she's sucking the happiness out of the world." I whispered to him and we both began to laugh till she looked our way and we stopped, we continued to snicker under our breaths and continued with our work.  

My Weaslebee xxx Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now