After YouTube Part 22: Zombie Flash Mob

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"Rise and shine sunshines!" Taylor yelled.

I woke up from my slumber and slapped Taylor on his head. "You could've woken us up hours ago why now?" he didn't answer. Jason and Jess finally realized that it was 12:32 and quickly got up. "I'll start the truck." Jason said. I stared at Jess and Taylor, they were whispering a conversation again. What was so important!? "Uh..." Jason tried to start the truck over and over again. "What do you mean uh?" I was starting to worry. "The truck wont start!"

"God damn it." Jess said clapping her hands slowly. "Oh yeah, we ran out of gas." Taylor said in a big smile. "And why are you so happy?" I asked. "I went for a walk around the road this morning. There's a gas station 1 mile away." he said in another grin. "Then why didn't you get us any fuel!?" Jess yelled. "Hello!? Do you think I would go in to a gas station in the middle of no where filled with zombie friends!? Whats more important Me? Or Fuel?" Jason rubbed his chin "Well..."

"Push!" Jess yelled as Jason, Taylor, and I were pushing the truck to the gas station. I know it's a stupid idea but there were zombies, we're going to need this thing. Jess didn't want to get her hands dirty so she acted like a cheerleader. "Come on people! We all have muscles besides Taylor right!?" Taylor stood up "Hey!" Jess kicked him back on pushing. "Put your back into it!" Jess cheered once again. "If I continue pushing I don't think i'll have a back!" I yelled

We reached a little hill which helped speed up the process. Finally we were there. "Good job guys! We all worked as a team!" Jess cheered once more. "Team? You didn't do anything!" Jason yelled. "Hey look our friends are here." I said as I pointed into the mob of infected.

"Uh, haha. I think I'm gonna step out of this fight Ok?" Taylor said nervously. But of course he was forced back. "Ok, heres the plan you guys stay here-" I cut Jason off, I wanted him to say that just because he's older he's not the leader of everyone. "No, watch this." I got out my bow and shot down 5 of those zombies like nothing happened. Jason looked impressed, but not too impressed.

"I'll stay up here and snipe them, you guys do your thing." I suggested. I swore I saw flames in Jess's eyes she raced up to the mob and took half of them out. Still there so many. Taylor raced in with "Bob the Bat" -what he calls it- and joined Jess. I looked at Jason, he did the same. I looked at the building and spotted the car fuel beside the doors. I had to tell them.

I shot a warning shot in front of Taylor's feet. When I finally got his attention I pointed at fuel. He knew what to do. I looked at Jess and Jason, they were struggling to fight. Then I looked at Taylor, "Does anyone have a dollar?!" God damn it Taylor "Just break the glass!" He broke the glass and carried 1 gallon of gas. An alarm turned on, it was very loud and annoying. The infected didn't liked it either. But we finally got our fuel and got out of that flash mob.

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