After YouTube Part 11: Bacca's In The House

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7 hours of driving,sleeping,and eating we hit our stop point Oregon. "Me and Jess are gonna scout the area, make sure no ones near. "No,let me come with you!" Taylor pleaded "you girls might need some protection" I was trying to hold in a laugh " Taylor,we'll be fine" Jess started to say "we're the ones with the arrows and knives while you have the broken baseball bat." I couldn't hold it in anymore I laughed. "Hey it's not broken!" Taylor says as his bat split in pieces. Now I was on the ground holding my tummy. "Perfect timing" he mumbled. Me and Jess went into the forest area next to the road. "Everything looks fine" I said 5 minutes later. "Yeah,we should head back. Just as we turned around we saw leaves fly to the ground from a tree. I locked an arrow in my bow,"Taylor stop messing with us!" I yelled "I don't think it's him" whispered Jess. A man with blonde hair and grey eyes dropped from the tree with leaves in his hair. I shot him without even saying anything. "Ow!!" he yelled "MERCY,MERCY!!" he continued yelling. Taylor jumped from the bushes, "leave them alone!!" he yelled something like battle cry and started whacking him with his duct taped bat. "AGH!!, MITCH,MITCH HELP ME!!" wait...I looked at Taylor "Mitch" I whispered to him. "Your ASFJerome" I said

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