After YouTube Part 21: Another Member

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I was shocked. Did he follow us? And who is that man? It was a good thing they still didn't know we were here

Suddenly, a little rodent ran across the room in front of us. "Awh! Eww Ok NO!" Taylor yelled out. God damn it Taylor. You blew our cover.

Jason quickly looked at us. "Wha-- How did you?" the other man didn't move at all. He was still leaning on the table. The scary thing was that he looked strangely familiar. "What are you doing here?!" Jason yelled out.

"Well, I was going to ask you the same thing." I was very confused, looks like I'm going to need answers again. I stared at the man, he was playing with something in his skinny fingers. It looked like wires...or multi-colored licorice, your choice. "Who's he?" I asked him. Jason looked at me, then at the man. "We'll talk in the alley, just not here."

I climbed up the ladder back into the alley. The stench was still there but I think I'm getting used to it. Jason climbed up after me and started to close the hatch door. "No" I stopped him. "My friends are coming too." he raised his eyebrows but then opened up the hatch again.

"So...." Jason, Jess, Taylor, and I were all together sitting down in a circle. "Who's the dude?" Jess asked. "He's a friend." Jason said. I slapped his head, "What friend?" "Its...Ty." Taylors eyes widened, "That's my brother down there!" Jason looked at him with his piercing green eyes. "Your his brother!?" "Yeah! I'm going back down" Taylor stood up and started walking to the hatch but then Jason ran in front of him. "You cant go to him." Taylor backed away. "What do you mean?"

"He's crazy, he locked himself in that room trying to figure out a way to stop infected." I stood up, "He's not crazy, he has faith that the world can have hope again." "No, he doesn't even remember how to say his own name. He almost killed me when i went down the hatch." I was shocked, Ty even gave his own brain to try and save the world.

"We have to leave him." Jason said. Jess stood up as well, "No! We need to help him!" she argued. "No he'll kill us if we even if try to say hello!" Jason argued back. While they bickered, i looked over at Taylor. I noticed his skin got paler and he had goosebumps. He hid his sandy black hair over his eyes, he must've shed a tear. The pain he must be feeling, about leaving his brother to go insane. It was close to the same feeling i had when Jason ran away and left me. But i found him anyway, i hope that'll happen to Taylor too. "Guys, we're going to leave him."

It was about 8:00 P.M. Jason was driving the truck, our not sure. We're just hoping to find food. Taylor was in the front seat being quiet while us girls were in the back. "Sooo..." Jason started to say. "Since i have nothing to do and i guess you guys have nothing to do now...Uh...can i maybe join your little club?" "Ah, fine whatever" I said as i yawned. Tomorrow im gonna show my "big brother" how big i am now.

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