After YouTube Part 5: Meet Jessica

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After I finished eating I went outside. San Francisco (where I am) turned out to be the safe zone of America. Though we get zombie attacks every now and then. I picked up my bow and arrows from the city's blacksmith and headed into the woods. I know what you're probably thinking, why would a 14 year old girl walk into a woods during a zombie apocalypse? Well I just like walking on fresh dirt and grass. Breathing in fresh air instead of sweat and rotten wood. SNAP! I turned around, someone stepped on a twig. I brought out my bow from my backpack. SNAP,SNAP! I pulled an arrow out and locked it into the bow string. I started walking slowly to my right where I heard the noise. "Hah what a baby!" I heard a boy say "How is she still surviving!?" I heard another boy say. I looked behind a tree and saw 2 boys about 3 years older than me surrounding a girl about 1 year older than me. They started kicking her around, I could see bruises and scars on the girls skin. My first thought was to run, but then I thought about it..."HEY!" I yelled out jumping from behind the tree, pointing my bow at them. "Ah, the little girl can shoot a stick at us I'm so scared!" said the first boy. The second boy started laughing. I shot an arrow at his foot. " Not so funny now huh?" the girl looked confused and startled at the same time. "come on, kill us" the bastard screamed. "You don't have the guts, your just a little kid!" they started walking away. I also spotted the girl slowly backing away. "Hey" I said softly "Its ok their gone now" she came back "Thanks for saving me" she said. "No problem" I came closer "What's your name?" she pulled out a knife out of her pocket. "Jessica" she said "My name's Jessica"

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