9 // hands

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Im happy.

Australia is beautiful, the people I'm with are beautiful, I feel bliss at this moment.

"Aren't you just so giddy." Ross laughs as I grin at the baggage claim.

"Look mate, shes smiling at a conveyor belt." Adam giggles to Matty.

"Am I not aloud to smile anymore?" I smile at Adam.

"Don't kill the woman's vibe." Matty pushes Adam softly.

"I feel like ive just hibernated, im ready to do the life thing." I giggle and look around. I spot my bag and jump up and down a bit, and point.  "George grab it! Don't let it get away!!"

George shakes his head and laughs as he gathers the bags.

"Im glad I'm small, don't have to carry anything." Matty laughs.

"Just because of that your carrying my shit." Ross gives a smug smirk.

Matty does a fake sad face before laughing. His arms wrap around me and his head rests on my shoulder. 

"Wanna go to the beach today?" He asks sweetly and sways a bit.

"Really?!!?" I smile "yes!!"

He kisses my cheek before grabbing his own bag and grabbing my hand to drag me out of the airport.


I forgot how strange it is being noticed, beautiful young girls so excited to see these four people.

One shorter brunette approaches in a skimpy, but beautiful outfit.

"Aren't you that bitch thats dating Matty?" She asks me while everyone else is tending to the, kinder fans.

"Were just friends." I grin sarcastically.

"How is he in bed?" She asks. I jump a bit, taken aback by how direct her question is.

Like honestly, who just asks a girl that on the street. Its just simply awkward.

"Like I said, were just friends." I giggle uncomfortably as Ross comes over to us.

"Hey J, you okay? You look a bit ill, and not the good ill." He mumbles in my ear so the girl cant hear him.

I nod and pull my hair back before walking to a wall. I reach into my purse and pull out a cigarette.

As I light it another girl approaches. This one is a bit taller than me, and shes dressed so simply. I really appreciate simple styles. Her hair is so long and bleach blonde, her skin tan but not too tan. Shes truly gorgeous.

"Can I get a fag off ya?" She asks, leaning against the wall next to me.

I nod and hand her a cigarette and a lighter.

"Those boys are well fit, how ya know em?" She asks. Making small talk.

"Dated that one." I pointed at Matty, "fucked that one." I point at George, "I'm just slight friends with them." I point to Adam and Ross. Then take a drag of my cigarette.

"Whats your name?" She asks casually.

"Juliette. You?"

"Claire. Your American I'm guessing." Shes got a lot of fucking questions.

"Yeah." I say as matty comes over to us and takes the cigarette from my hand, setting it between his lips.

"Make a friend?" He nods to claire, his voice muffled by the cigarette.

"More so acquaintance." I giggle "Matty, Claire. Claire, Matty."

"Hello." They say in unison.

"Alright well our rides here." Matty says and puts the cigarette back into my mouth.

"One minute." I say, and he kisses my cheek before walking toward a shiny black car.

"Sure that relationship is past?" Claire asks with an eyebrow raised.

"I never know with him." I smile "we should exchange numbers, im in town for a few days maybe we could go shop or something?" I say awkwardly as I rub the cigarette against the wall to put it out.

"Sounds good as" she hands me her phone, as I hand her mine and we type each others numbers in.

"Bye." I wave after i get my phone back.

I jog to the car where George is waiting outside of the door.

"Lets go." I smile and climb in.

Im not thrilled with this chapter but its building relationships and stuff so its kinda essential.

Next chapter should be a bit better 💞

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