Chapter 11

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(Name)---> Be Dave
You are now Dave
You spun your last disc as your bro Dirk came up to take your place. The music began to slow slightly, but still stayed upbeat and pop like. You made your way off the large stage, ducking between groups of chattering cat girls and tables of jocks doing Jell-O shots from pumpkin containers. Your scarlet eyes darted to the princess, sipping punch as she leaned against the wall of paper ghosts.
"(Name), I think it's time."
"Time for what?"
"That dance you promised after all..." You said, leaning in and spinning her around, "Every knight needs a princess to protect..."
Her face seemed to go as scarlet as the cloak you wore as you began to lead her to the dance floor. She shook her head.
"I don't dance in crowds, ever."
"Hm..." You pondered this for a second. You took her gloved hand and lead her to the back of the outstretched bleachers, spinning her into a formal dancing stance.
"Well thought, Strider. Then again don't you think this song is a bit too up tempo for this formal crap?"
"Huh?" You started. She quickly booped your nose, spinning away from your grasp as she bounced to the rhythm. She swayed slightly, generally dancing beautifully in your opinion. This was why you loved her.
"Yeah Dave?"
"I love you..."

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