Chapter 7

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Dave---> Be (name)
You are now (name)
You grinned, skipping down the street. You had learned a lot from Dave within the last hour. Your house was coming into view, as your mind wandered to all the new things you knew of Dave. He had given you his pesterchum handle, he even told you his address! He had also told you he made sick remixes of songs and shit. You had also learned of his love for irony.
He seemed really nice, you were excited to talk to him when you got home, plus it was Friday! FUCK YEAH!
You burst through the door of your house, your mom was in the kitchen making dinner and your dad was watching TV in the living room. You waved at them both, running back to your bedroom. You thrusted open the door to reveal your precious (F/C) room. The bed in the middle of the room had a laptop on it where you drew shitty comics and typed really crappy fanfic. It was buzzing like mad, signaling someone trying to get your attention. You flipped the lid open, revealing someone you had never heard of with blue text.

EB: hey!
EB: you must be (name)!
EB: Dave here is telling me about you and he's being a total dork about it! :B
(Chum handle): oh, why hello there? I'm sorry that I don't know about you. Which of you are you?
EB: oh right, I'm John! Dave calls me Egderp
(CH): oh right! He did tell me about you, you really like Nic Cage and Ghostbusters right?
(CH): so is there something you wanted to tell me?
EB: oh right, before I forget, I'd be careful
(CH): with...?
EB: I think Dave likes you, but he's kinda a poor boyfriend
(CH): how would you know? Are you a homosexual?
EB: no, I am not a homosexual!
(CH): hm, sure sure yeahhhhh
You typed your last message to Egderp, shutting the lid to your computer. Your face was a little flushed from the realization that Dave motherfucking Strider might have a crush on you. Then you suddenly remembered that Dave had said John like to prank people... So you assumed that's what was happening. Dave was cool, but all the girls swooned over him and he could have anyone he wanted. So why was he even associating himself with you? Whatever, he was, and if he was trying to prank you he was doing a really good job at screwing you over.
Your mom soon called you down to dinner, so you stopped your little overthinking party and hopped down stairs for some awesome burgers.

(Name)---> Be Dave
You are now Dave
You were sitting in your room, on top of your red blankets, staring at the Egderp in front of you. You had been rambling about the cute girl you had learned about today. John had started ignoring you, tapping on his phone at your feet.
"What the hell are you doing, Johnny?"
"Texting your girlfriend, David Elizabeth Strider!"
"WAIT WHAT?!" You screeched, swatting at his phone. The indigo phone made its way into your clutches. You swiped up to their conversation, holding the short dork under your foot. We as the reader have already read said conversation, so we will not go through the work to read it again.
"What is this shit you've been spuein'?!"
"I WAS JOKING, LET GO OF ME!" The raven haired teen screamed, wriggling around. You stamped your foot down on him, making him wheeze in pain.
"Stop. Lying. To. (Name). Or. Else!" You screeched. John sat up at the last word with a kick.
"FINE! STOP HOLDING ME CAPTIVE!" John screamed, "Wait til Karkat hears about this, he'll wanna make it a rom com... Or Nepeta will start shipping you dorks!"
"You tell one of them about my little crush of un-coolness and I will shove one of my bro's stupid puppets so far down your throat it will come out your sorry ass!"
"Dave Elizabeth Strider, how dare you!" John said with a fake look of horror. He was probably frightened out of his wit anyway.

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