Chapter 6

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(Name)---> Be Dave
You are now Dave
She was surprisingly outspoken. At school she always seemed to be shaking or stuttering, but now she seemed to be happy and carefree. She also looked extremely cute in your shades. She was finishing her wider, letting her legs swing around the stool like a child when she looked back up at you.
"So why do you wear shades if your eyes are so badass?"
"Well, I think it makes it easier to keep up my badass look."
She shrugged, pulling off the aviators and handing them back to you. You smiled slightly, a real smile tugging at your lips. She grinned up at you, and it was infectious. Jake was leaning on the counter smirking at both of you. You finished off your cider, standing along side her. She was on her way out, so you followed her, and perhaps your middle finger let itself flip of the smirking Brit.

(It's short, sorry)

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