Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen – Alex's P.O.V

My heart sank as Demi said those words. No. I couldn't lose her. I just couldn't. "Have you checked our bedroom?" I asked her.

Demi nodded her head as tears fell down her cheeks. "Her closet?" I asked. Demi nodded again while the tears continued to fall down her cheeks. I stood up and sprinted out of the room

Demi's P.O.V

I wiped away the tears that had fallen before I turned around to follow Alex. My mum grabbed my arm. "Wait. Demi maybe you should stay here. You don't want to get too stressed. It isn't good for the baby." I turned and looked at my mum as she finished speaking to me. I just looked at her a moment before I removed her hand from my arm and walked out the front room

There was no way I wasn't going to go with Alex. Mackenzie was my little girl as well. Maybe no biologically but that didn't matter to me in the slightest. What mattered was that she was gone and we needed to find her and bring her back before anything happened to her. Sure, Mackenzie like most five year olds thought she was big and strong like me and Alex but she was five years old. She was too young to be outside on her own

"Demi will you just please listen to me?" My mum asked as she ran after me. I slipped on a pair of converse and turned around

"No. Mackenzie is outside in the rain probably freezing cold and you want me to stay here? No way mum." I replied to her as Alex opened the front door and asked my mum to stay here in case Mackenzie came back. My mother reluctantly agreed and went back into the front room as me and Alex ran towards his car.

I pulled my hood on my coat up as I sprinted towards the car. I heard the car unlocking as I reached my car door. I opened it and got inside before I put my seatbelt on and waited for Alex to put his seatbelt on and start the car. A few minutes later Alex pulled off the drive way and turned his windscreen wipers on.

Mackenzie's P.O.V (3 hours later)

I shivered as I crossed my arms across my chest and carried on walking. I didn't know where I was going or where I was for that matter but I carried on walking forward. About ten minutes later I reached the beach. I hesitated for a moment before I ran onto the sand and sat down before looking up and the night sky.

"Mackenzie?" I heard someone's voice calling. I turned around

Fear invaded my body as Wilmer came towards me. I started to back away from him as my mum came into view. "P-Please don't hurt me." I stuttered as I backed away from both of them

My mum laughed at me. "What are you doing out here on your own? Has Alex finally found out how much of a worthless brat you are?" My mum asked me as she came towards me. I shook my head no.

"They don't even know I've ran away." I told them. My mum and Wilmer looked at each other for a second before they looked at me.

"Why did you run away?" My mum asked me a few minutes later

"D-Demi's pregnant." I stuttered. Wilmer and my mum looked at each other again before they grinned at each other. They looked at me.

'So you've run away before they kicked you out? Smart choice worthless." My mum replied to me.

"Yeah. Now they have a child they won't want you anymore." Wilmer joined in. They started moving towards me again a minute later. I turned around and started to run away from them. I wanted to get away from them as fast as I possibly could

"Come back here you little brat!" My mother yelled at me as she ran after me. Wilmer followed her from behind. I ran faster as I reached the pavement but they quickly caught up with me

Wilmer ran past my mum and grabbed a hold of me a minute later. I screamed and started thrashing around as he went to pick me up.

Demi's P.O.V

We had been out looking for Mackenzie for four hours now. I looked at the time on the clock as my anxiety increased. It was getting dark and Mackenzie, like most children at her age was terrified of the dark. "Maybe we should report her missing to the police." I suggested to Alex as I turned to look at him. Alex hadn't said a word since we got into the car until a few minutes later.

"No I want to continue looking for her." Alex told me as he concentrated on the road.

"We will. It just means we'll have some help." I replied to him

"No Demi. I'm going to find her. Even if it means searching for her all night." Alex said to me. I sighed. Alex could be extremely stubborn at times. I looked out of the window a second later as I saw a man and a woman with a young girl. I looked at them, something about them seemed familiar. A minute later I realised why. "Alex stop the car." I yelled before I took my seatbelt off and opened the door. I jumped out of the car and ran towards Wilmer, Mackenzie and her mother Lauren

Alex got out of the car a minute later as soon as he had parked the car. He ran towards Wilmer and Lauren. "Get your filthy hands off my little girl." He said as he gritted his teeth. Mac looked at us relieved a second later. I went over to Lauren and ripped Mackenzie out of her arms. Mackenzie clung onto me a few minutes later. Mackenzie was soaking wet and shivering form the cold.

"Come on Mac. Let's get you into the car." I told her as she started sneezing but as soon as I reached the car, pain invaded my stomach. I screamed out in pain as Alex came towards me and Mackenzie. He took Mackenzie off of me and placed her in the car.

"Alex we need to go to the hospital. I think I might be having a miscarriage." 

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