Chapter Three

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Chapter Three – Mackenzie's P.O.V

I laid awake and stared up at the ceiling as I heard the clock on the wall ticking. Demi and Alex had gone to bed sometime ago and I had been put to bed over three hours ago but I couldn't sleep. My mind was too alert for me to even feel tired. I rolled over and looked at the walls as I heard someone going downstairs. After awhile my eyes began to get heavier and heavier until I finally fell into a not so peaceful sleep.

Mackenzie's Dream (Could be triggering)

"You're such a waste of space!" My mother yelled at me as she went into the bathroom and grabbed a blade from the shelf. I started to back away from her as soon as she came out into the hallway. She looked at me.

"Give me your arm." She told me. I shook my head as tears fell down my face.

My mum slapped me across the cheek. "I SAID GIVE ME YOUR BLOODY ARM!" My mum yelled in my face. I held my arm out and closed my eyes as I mentally prepared myself for the pain. As soon as my mum was done she told me to open my eyes. As soon as they were open she forced me to look at my arm where the words 'Waste of space." Had been cut on my arm.

"I don't deserve to have an ugly piece of shit as a daughter. Why did I have to end up with you? You're nothing like me. You are fat. You are ugly and I wish you were dead."

End of Mackenzie's dream

I woke up shaking before I scrambled out of bed and ran out of my room with my duvet. I went towards Demi's and Alex's room before I placed my duvet on the floor. The door opened a few minutes later as Demi looked at me.

"Honey why are you out here?" She asked me as she knelt down my level.

"I-I." I started stuttering, terrified that she was going to be mad at me

"Did you have a bad dream?" She asked me. I nodded my head before I looked down at the floor.

"Would you like to sleep with me and Alex tonight?" I looked at her shocked. I was never allowed to sleep in the same room as my mum if I had a nightmare. I just used to sleep out in the hallway.

"I-I can?" Demi nodded her head as she picked my duvet up and went to put it in my room. She then knelt down and picked me up before she carried me inside and shut the door. She carried me towards the bed and put me down as Alex rolled over.

"What happened....?" Alex asked as I climbed underneath the covers.

"She had a nightmare, so I said she could sleep with us." Demi told him. Alex pulled me into a hug before he kissed me on the cheek. I snuggled into his warm embrace.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked me. I shook my head as I buried my head into his chest.

The next morning (still Mackenzie's P.O.V)

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard something falling onto the floor. I sat up automatically before I started looking around the room to see what it could be. I heard someone laughing beside me. I turned and looked at Alex. "Don't worry baby girl. It's just Demi trying to cook again.'

"But why was there a banging sound?" I asked him as I snuggled back under the covers.

"Because Demi's clumsy and she's not very good at cooking." Alex explained to me.

"Hey! I heard that!" Demi said as she came into the room. I started laughing as Demi pretended to be cross at Alex. She put her hands on her hips.

"And I wasn't cooking. I don't think Mackenzie needs to be poisoned by my awful cooking." Demi added.

"Then what was the banging sound?" I asked her as I started to get anxious again.

"I accidently bumped into something..." Demi trailed off as Alex started laughing.

My stomach rumbled as soon as Alex stopped laughing. "Are you hungry baby?" Alex asked me as he sat up in bed. I shook my head no before I copied him. Alex sighed as he got out of bed while Demi came to sit next to me.

"Why don't you want to eat Mac?" Demi asked me.

FLASHBACK (Could be triggering if you have Bulimia or Anorexia.)

The door opened as I climbed off the chair. I turned around and my mother glared at me. "What do you think you are doing?" My mother asked me.

"I-I was hungry Mummy." I stuttered as she walked over to me and slapped me on the cheek.

"You don't need to eat. You're way too fat." My mother told me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered as I looked down at the floor.

"If you ever want to be good enough for me you need to be thin and pretty. Now come with me." My mum held her hand out and leads me out of the room. We go upstairs towards the bathroom. She closes and locks the door before she leads the way to the toilet. She forces something down my throat until I puke up all the food.

"This is what will happen if you ever dare to eat without my permission again."

End of flashback

I opened my eyes as I realised I was sitting on someone's lap. Demi looked down at me. "You started freaking out." She explained to me as she rocked me back and forth. I expected to feel unsafe but I didn't. I felt safe, like nothing could hurt me. It confused me. I barely knew Demi yet I felt safe with her? What was wrong with me? Alex went out of the room, leaving me and Demi on our own.

"I was just like you Mac." Demi said to me.

"W-What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

"My dad was abusive. He used to come home drunk every night after work and abuse me, my older sister and my mum. Until one day we ran away and I haven't seen him since."

"Will I see mummy ever again?" I asked as Alex came back into the room. Alex came towards me.

"Not if I have a say in it." He told me as he kissed me on the forehead.


So I'm really sorry if some of the parts in this chapter were triggering. But don't worry, I will always warn you guys if I think something could be triggering and none of the characters in ANY of my books will Self Harm. (Mainly because I have Self Harm issues and I find it incredibly triggering to write about.)

But anyway, I will hopefully update again by the end of this week. I'm trying to update all my stories at least once a week because writing helps a lot when I'm not doing to good. (As well as music of course.) So anyway I hope you liked this chapter and I'll talk to you guys soon.

Kerri x 

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