Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven – Mackenzie's P.O.V

My heart thudded against my chest as I heard my mother's voice. Demi came out of the room as I started running down the stairs. Demi caught up with me as I reached the bottom of the stairs. My mum and Wilmer grinned at me before my mum stepped towards me. Alex pulled her back. "Don't you fucking dare lay a finger on her." Alex spat at her. Demi lifted me into her arms protectively as she glared at my mother. My mother glared back at her before she turned to face Alex and smirked

"So this is the slut that you replaced me with Alex?" My mother asked him. I didn't know what the word 'slut' meant. But it didn't seem like a very nice word to me. Alex glared at my mum

"That's fucking ironic coming from you. How many people have to slept with in the last day or two?" Alex snapped back at her

"What's wrong with sleeping? We all have to sleep." I asked confused. My mother and Wilmer glared at me, making me hide behind Demi's hair. I knew it sounded stupid, but I was scared of them. I didn't want them to take me back with them. I wanted to stay here with Demi and Alex. I felt safer with them

"Who asked you to talk you little brat? I guess living with your father has made you even more of a disobedient piece of shit Mackenzie. I guess I'll have to beat the shit out of you even more when we get home." My mum said as I clung onto Demi terrified of what she was going to do to me. She smirked at me

"She isn't going anywhere with you. Not if I have a say in it." I heard Alex speak up. My mother turned to face him. She started laughing at him.

"That's the thing Alex. You don't. I have full custody of her since I was the one who's been looking after her for the last five years. The police have been called and if you don't hand her over this second then you'll be arrested and charged with kidnapping." Alex didn't reply to her. He looked at me as I looked at him. I could tell he was heart broken from the way he stared at me.

"Y-You're taking her away from me again?" Alex's voice broke as he finished speaking. He squeezed his eyes shut as if he was trying to hold something back. I looked down at the floor. I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here. Mum nodded before she started speaking again.

"And because I have full custody of her. I get to choose who she's able to see and your never allowed to go near her again Alex."

Alex's P.O.V (20 minutes later)

I watched as Demi helped Mackenzie pack all her things. My heart was slowly breaking into pieces as I realised this was the last time I was going to see her. I knew Lauren was a bitch but to take something away from me like this made me hate her even more then I already did. She was taking the one thing that seemed to hold everything together. She was taking Mackenzie away from me. She was taking my little girl away from me. She was taking away my chance of seeing her grow up. My chance to be apart of her life. Mac ran towards me snapping me out of my thoughts.

She climbed on my lap. "I-I'll miss you." She whispered as she snuggled into me. My arms wrapped around her and I just wanted this moment to last forever. I wanted her to stay in my arms forever. But she couldn't. I held the tears back as she looked up at me. I took a deep breath before I started to speak

"You know you'll always be my little girl right?" I asked her as I looked into her eyes for the last time. She nodded her head in response.

"I love you Mackenzie. Never ever forget that. I love you so much. Don't let your mother say otherwise alright? I love you so much." I told her as I pulled her in for one last hug goodbye

Authors Note:

So I know this is kind of short and probably not what you wanted from this chapter but still. Oh and don't worry this isn't the end of the story. Trust me I wouldn't end it like this, plus I've just started this story so...yeah. So thoughts guys? Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll update soon (don't worry I'm not going to leave you guys hanging up no that mean haha.) -Kerri

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