"If I get sick it's all your fault," I said pointing fingers to all of them. They laughed and Tim started talking about this weekend. I tuned them out and went on Twitter.

"I need a birthday picture guys. Who wants to be in it?"I said looking up.

"Me!" Adam, Max, Ross and John all said. I laughed at stood up.

"In here?" Tim asked, looking around. Some people were looking at us in annoyance. I walked outside and the guys followed me.

"So how do you want to do this?" Adam asked. I thought about it and thought of the perfect idea. I jumped in the air

"Catch me!" I yelled. Adam caught me and laughed. Max went under me. John jumped on Adam's back and Ross did a weird pose. Tim took my phone.

"1. 2. 3." Right when he said three Adam lost his balance and fell. John flipped over and I fell on top of Max. Tim burst out laughing as he looked at the picture.

"Yous flipped me overs!" John yelled. I laughed.

"Well at least someone didn't fall on you." Max yelled. I looked down and just remembered that I was still sitting on him. I smiled and got off.

"I actually forgot that I was sitting on you," I said and helped him up. Tim interrupted us and gave me my phone back. He smirked and walked away. I knew that look. I looked down and saw that he posted the picture. It was of us falling in each other. The caption read "'Catch me!' Said Stella. Happy birthday" That was perfect. I laughed and showed the guys the picture. They loved it. We went back into the restaurant. So far today is a great day.

Time skip back to the office brought to you by "Max's fuck up made a game win."

I grabbed a water bottle as we got ready for a challenge video. We are going to do the bean boozled challenge. I have been known to have the worst of luck but I am still excited.

"Your seem happy." Mac said behind me.

"I am,"i said, bouncing on my toes.

"Yeah I can tell. You're like emanating brightness off of you."

"You need some brightness. It's the only way to save some part of your soul." I said with sass. He laughed and walked away. I started walking where all the voices were coming from. Everyone was seeing up the dry and Emily was helping us with our mics.

"Finally! You're here. We can start." Adam Said sitting down. I got my mic and say down in between Ross and Adam. Max and I decided to keep us a secret. I didn't want to be called a 'YouTube whore', cause I just met him a couple months ago. .

"Ready?" Adam asked. We nodded. The cameras started rolling. "Hey guys, Sky here and I'm here with Max, Ross, Stella and Burnie. And we are going to do the bean boozled challenge."

"Hey," I said casually. The red tof the guys said hi.

"So we have our own way to play bean boozled. Have you every heard of war with cards? Well you get dealed cards and then you flip a card. The two lowest had to eat a bean. Then clear them and do it again. An ace is the highest for this. Alright let's begin!" Adam said and sealed the cards.

"This reminds me of LA." Max said picking up the cards. We all looked at him. "I lost so much money that day."

"Max! Do you have something to tell us?" Ross said, laughing.

"Long story short, don't get drunk in a casino." He said , smirking breaking eye contact from us. I snorted and laughed. Only him. We started playing. I groaned as I laid down a two.

"Great," Adam said as he got the next lowest card. I grabbed a bean and read what it is suppose to be.  Rotten eggs or buttered popcorn. Oh Lord Jesus Christ. I popped in in my mouth and took a deep breath. I bit into it.

"I fucking hate life. How does this shot taste like fucking donkey ass. This bitch of a game needs to burn in hell." I yelled.

"Holy shit, you cuss like a saint!" Adam laughed. I rolled my eyes and started chewing again.

"Fucking rotten eggs, man."I said, gagging. I refused the trashcan. I love jelly beans, I don't care about the taste I just love them. I chewed it up, ignoring the taste and swallowed it.

"Are you even human? Why did you eat all of it?" Mac said, surprised.

"Just wait until I eat skunk spray," I said laughing.

"I promise that I won't be smelling you're breath in awhile." Ross said and dealed the cards. Hopefully I won't get anymore gross beans.

After the challenge

Oh so I was wrong. I had skunk spray two times. Rotten eggs three times. Stinky socks and puke once. The only good thing I got was toothpaste and rhatcwss suppose to be the bad one!

"Your probably the most unluckiest girl I ever met. And I'm married to Alesa," Adam said walking towards his office.

"Excuse me?" Alesa said in his office. His eyes widened as he forgot that Alesa was coming today. I laughed and walked away as Adam was apologizing.

I sat in my office, hand on my necklace and other hand on my phone. I looked through the comment section on my Twitter. One comment caught my eye.

Is that a Z necklace I see on Stella? #Mella

I totally forgot about the necklace during the picture. The replys were flowing in. Mostly Mella supporters. Some were quite rude but I skipped over them.

You've got to do a Q/A. I've got a lot of questions.

Good thing we have a meeting today. After all it is Monday. I'll bring that up to Scott.

My viewers are fi ding out that something is up between Max and I. They can't find out yet. We've got to do something special and I know just the way.

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