Chapter Forty-Three: East: First Day

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Anya~ East (Russia)                        

My hands are clenched together as I lay on my side under the covers of my bed. My eyes search for familiar things in the room, but I have to remind myself that I am in a new home now. One sliding metal door, light grey walls, black floor, one queen sized bed, a book shelf which was pre-filled with educational books, and a closet with the official military's uniform, with a few shirts, pants, and leggings to go under. Nothing else. I was to eat every meal in the cafeteria, and was supposed to wear the plain clothes provided. the good part was that the clothing part was black, only the vest, belt, and accent parts were dark green. So I got a bit of a change from my options from Inauguration.

I had only a few days of Liscentiation which was the extra part of Refinement for those who made it to soldier status. For those days I would still be with Adric, except this time we would be on the war field. I'd actually get a taste of battle today. I would be under Adric's command and try to stick with him the whole time. After that was all over, I would be my own pawn.

It was an hour before soldiers were supposed to report to our General's office. Everyone would meet up there, get orders, and then do whatever your commanding soldier told you to do. I wasn't sure if we were heading out to fight today or not. I assumed that sending us out immediately would be East's style.

I put on my clothes, and gear quickly. Then I brushed out my wavy hair; it had already grown long enough to where the tips barely brushed my shoulders. After I pulled it into a side ponytail I slipped on my converse. I wasn't planning to put on the boots unless I was positive we were being sent out to war grounds.

I opened my door and bright lights forced me to momentarily squint my eyes. I heard it shut behind me, and then another sound open. I looked down the line of mimicking doors along the hallway to see which had opened.

My heart jumped and a gasp escaped my mouth. "Jace?"

His face turned over his shoulder and he grinned at my gasp, approaching me. "You're up early," he said.

"I wanted to get breakfast before the crowds rushed in," I replied innocently.

"Well come on then," he said, "I've got to eat something too, and we can catch each other up on how Agglutination went."

He held out his hand and I took it immediately. I let out a sigh and said, "You've been alright then?"

"'course I have. I won't waste my time asking about you, because I'm sure you were as well," Jace answered.

"Seems like you've gotten smarter," I joked as a smile played on my lips. I felt less awkward walking with Jace verses alone. When I was alone my thoughts assaulted me in my loneliness.

"Have you seen Lauren yet?" Jace asked me.

"No..." I murmured, "Not since yesterday. Is there a reason why?"

"Not so much," Jace said solemnly, "She just looked like something was troubling her."

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "How would you know what that looks like? It seems like that's how she is normally," I said. My thoughts danced in my mind. Could something have been wrong for all this time? I thought.

Jace's cheeks brightened before he replied, "Because her expression is the same as yours."

"B-but-" I stuttered, "I- there's nothing wrong with me... I- I'm fine." My mouth hung open in surprise. I flicked a strand of hair from my face and bit down on my lip.

"Don't even start on that, Anya. It's quite obvious. Even if you aren't sure what's wrong, something is. I don't like seeing you so upset all the time. But Lauren looked just like you after being promoted to become a soldier," Jace said as he gazed at my face. He instinctively brushed his hand through his short hair. His cheeks were sunken with shadows, and his handgun clung to his waist.

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