Chapter Twenty-Three: East: Intelligence

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Anya~ East (Russia)                         

My heart was pounding with anticipation. I couldn't wait to go. Three people were up front taking an intelligence test. It was done on these interesting electronic screens. Questions would come up and you would have to answer them. I sat between two girls, Kylee and Lynda. I didn't know them well, but I already had an opinion on them. Kylee seemed sweet and Lynda- just annoying.

A strongly accented voice called from the speakers, "Come on up, Max, Kylee, and Anya." The voice was a woman's. She had red dreadlocks that she had pulled into a low bun, and tan skin. She was our replacement. For Steph. I was distraught that Steph had died from the bullet wound. It didn't seem fair, but when was war ever fair? War doesn't stop for children. It only seems to be put on pause for a short reign once somebody is the victor.

I stood up and followed Kylee to the stage up front. I took my place at the last of the three screens and waited. Soon a flash of light ran across the screen and it reset. Now it was black.

The woman walked up to us. "When I say so, you need to touch the screen. It will identify you by your fingerprints. That will start it all up. You have limited time for each question. It will show you a time bar. Failure to answer before that will result in a failed question which will take away from your score. These questions will test your knowledge and instinct. Answer by choosing the choice best for yourself. This isn't no right or wrong thing. It's built personally for you. So remember that. After this I can't release any scores, so currently, overall. Max, you are not in the top ten. Kylee, you barely managed to scrape a nine. Anya, you've got a three. Now. These scores are temporary, and this test could even bump you, Max, up to the top ten. There will be a ceremony soon where the top thirteen of you will make it onto the next stage and officially have a home here. Good luck. Start now."

I touched the screen and an electronic pulse ran through my body. Words came up and it had begun. Mental stuff, not so great with me, but third place. That gave me comfort. I was ready to get to the ceremony.

The first Question said:

 1. You come across your enemy from the opposite side of the war (the person sees you):

A) Attack.

B) Retreat

C) Hide

D) Reason

I touched B. Retreat seemed safest. Plus, if I fought them they might scream and fellow soldiers might come, whereas I was alone.

2. You are in your enemy's base.. in the janitor's closet:

A) Sneak

B) Retreat

C) Under cover

d) Overtake

Obviously A. While I'm over there I might as well get information.

3. You are in your enemy's holding cell, and they give you food:

A) Eat it                                                                                                                                                         B) Starve

C) Wait until the last second

D) Try to escape

I decided on C. That would be the smartest. For me at least. I pressed the C on the board and the next question showed up.

Refinement: A War of EuropeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz