CXIV - Darker Turn

Start from the beginning

He chuckled a little, and nodded. I hadn't seen him smile like this in... Well, forever. I had never seen him so happy. Maybe this was his preferred environment.

"And you, Roseia? What are you reading?" he asked.

This man rarely ever engaged in conversation with anyone. Who knew it would be with me, a fourteen year old witch that his brothers family had taken a liking to. The girl that he barely knows.

"I am reading The Song Of Roland," I told him.

"Oh? And what is that about?"

The story was well-known in Italy, but of course, the Mikaelsons hadn't been there for long. They hadn't yet heard of it.

"I am sure you would like to read it yourself some day, so I will only say that it is a story of betrayal and revenge, but also that of a valiant martyr."

He nodded. "I believe I would like to read it now, actually. If you would allow me to?"

I grinned at him, standing up and moving to sit by him on the long seat. I opened the book to the first chapter, and as I suspected, his eyebrow crinkled in confusion.

"Yes, it is in Italian, but I would be happy to read it to you," I said.

So we stayed there for the rest of the night while I read to him and he listened closely to the story I had to tell.

Perhaps that one night was the reason why he cared for me more than his own siblings.

Thinking of that time made me happy. It made me blissful. It made my mind and heart feel as if I was in heaven when my body felt like it was going on the long descent to hell.

What I didn't know was that the memories were about to take a far darker tone.


"Rebekah, you and I both know that she did what she thought was right. She was terrified of Lord Niklaus and Elijah, and she had a right to be!"

"She has ruined Niklaus' chances!" Rebekah shouted angrily, throwing the goblet she had been holding into the fireplace before pacing back and forth again. Her hands were clutched into fists, and I was almost surprised to see her this angry. She rarely ever was.

"Niklaus was going to use Katerina's blood and then kill her, Rebekah. Can you genuinely blame her for wanting to run?"

"I can blame her for ruining my brother's life!" she shouted.

At that time, Rebekah was much more protective over Klaus. It was before he had decided to dagger her multiple times, but after he decided to no longer listen to anything she said. It was a very complicated time for the Mikaelson family, especially with Katerina around.

"Niklaus will forgive Elijah," I told her calmly. "He was not at fault, Klaus knows this."

"He is Niklaus Mikaelson!" She growled, her hands clenching a little tighter. "He does not forgive and he does not forget."

"And Elijah is his brother!" I said a little louder, standing from my seat. "He will forgive him. That is what brothers do. They quarrel, and then they forgive."

Rebekah swallowed, then shook her head. "Not Niklaus. Niklaus, he... He never forgives."


"Kol, you must stop this," I told him, biting my lip as he dropped the body of yet another women while looking back at me with a sadistic smile. "Your father is trying to find us, and your antics will only draw him closer."

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