.:Driving Myself Insane:. Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I crossed my arms, mumbling, "Because you're the best boyfriend ever." It took every fiber in my body to resist saying it sarcastically. God, he made me want to kill him sometimes. Almost like Colby. 

He rose an eyebrow, "What was that? I couldn't hear." He cupped his hand over his ear, a smirk still plastered over his face. 

I said louder, wanting to stab him right there, "You're the best boyfriend ever."

"Thank you, Katherine. How flattering." He grinned. 

Oh! I thought of a reason I used him! If Colby caught me, then I could lie and say I was on a date with Riley. I'd want to throw up the entire time, but still. It wouldn't have been the first time I'd felt like throwing up that day.

I grumbled, "I want to kill you." 

He rose his eyebrows, "Oh? Come again?"

I cleared my throat and forced a smile, "Nothing...Er, honey?" Ew. 

So, Colby met up with Nichole at Red Robins. Not exactly the most romantic place, but it still made me feel as if someone punched a hole into my stomach. Riley got the waitress lady to get us a table in hearing distance of Colby's. For once, I felt almost grateful for the fact some girls found Riley attractive.

"What is it with you and that Katherine girl?" I heard Nichole ask.

Yes! He was going to tell her that he was so deeply in love with me and she was just some replacement that he'd like to bang, right?

My face fell as Colby answered, "She hates me. Don't worry."

What the hell, man?! Didn't I tell him that I didn't hate him? God, if I said it, I obviously meant it. Or maybe he just meant that I didn't feel the same. Probably not. If he did mean that, he would have said 'She doesn't like me.' or something. Why'd he tell her not to worry as if I were some threat? Oh, I better be a threat. Yeah, she needs to worry.

Whoa. Back up. What's with your evil thoughts? The somewhat rational, sane part of me asked.

The other side of me answered with Because she deserves to DIE!

Personally, I liked the crazy, homicidal part of me much better. Then again, the sane part of me was probably what's been keeping me from going gaga all over all these boys. No, I don't mean Lady Gaga. Jeez....

Riley smirked, "Jealous?"

I scowled at him, "No. Go to hell."

"You know...I know how you can make him regret even looking at Nichole." Riley said, pouring a little pile of salt onto the table. Tsktsktsk. Bad luck.

Confused, I stared at him, "And you would help me, why?"

"Because I hate seeing Tozier happy."

Those words practically slapped me in the face. How could I be so evil? Nichole could make him happy, where as I made him insecure and jealous all the time.  

I frowned, "Actually, this wasn't a good idea. He deserves to be h-" I stopped mid sentence as I watch Nichole laugh and put her damned hand over his. That bitch needs to die. I thought. I turned back to Riley, "Alright. What's the plan."

"Okay, so you know that car wash they're having tomorrow? At school?" Riley asked quietly, probably afraid Colby would hear him. Once I nodded, he went on, "Okay. Go there in those really short shorts and maybe just a sports bra. Colby'll be there. If not, I'll find a way to get him there. Wash the cars like girls do in those mov-"

I slapped his arm and whispered, "Ew. You're such a pervert."

"Come on, Katherine. You'll be doing me a favor." 

"What?" I snorted. "To give you something to think about while you're in the shower? You're so gross."

"Bet Nichole would." Riley crossed his arms and leaned back. "No wonder she's the one Colby's on a date on instead of you."

I glared at him. Screw him. As I watched Nichole and Colby laugh, grin, and all that mushy stuff that made me want to throw up, I decided to listen to Riley. Yeah, okay. I admit it.

I was. . .Jealous.

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