.:t w e n t y o n e:.

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:special chapter:

••• The audience cheered as he looked up from the piano, sweat drizzled his forehead, nearly out of breath from how much energy put into his performance.

Close to tears, I sat in shock, still trying to process the lyrics going through my brain. So much meaning put into what I heard it was all too much to process in that one moment as he smiled and walked backstage to give an okay to the students to leave.

lovely, huh?

"Hey Harley!" I heard a low voice call from behind me as Halsey walked off into the groups of people swarming outside of the auditorium clearly avoiding the one calling out to me.

Sighing, I turned around running my hands through my hair, still overthinking what I had just sat through, "What do you want?"

"Look, I know we aren't in the best spot right now but I need to talk to you, " he breathed harshly.

I rolled my eyes, my head started to pound with everything I had to process going on inside my brain, "Brendon, this is just about the worst time to be talking to me. I'm just barely getting over what happened a few weeks ago and I really don't need some sort of guilt filled reminder."

He somehow managed to get an apologetic smile out to me before speaking that took me by surprise, "I know. I know I've been a total dick to you ever since that one party an-"

"Wait, which one? Sorry I don't recall how many times you've manipulated me into going for you but I remember various parties in which you decided to take advantage." I chuckled.

He slipped his hands in his pockets, eyeing my lips as I bit down nervously, "I know and-"

I interrupted, choking on my own breath, "No. You don't know. You have no idea how hard it is to keep such a heart breaking secret from a person that once meant everything to you. You have no idea how hard it is to not vent about how you're feeling because if one thing slips, you lose your person. You my friend, have no idea how hard it is to keep all of this in and hide it all away to protect the one you love."

Brendon began to pull something out of his left back pocket swiftly, looking awfully like the paper he had held onstage when telling his poem.

"I just wanted you to know that ever since this last innocent I've been getting some help. Don't tell Halsey but I've also been going to get help about trying to control myself and yet still keep our relationship alright."

oh great, another secret.

"Really." I said blankly.

"Really," he answered passionately, "Its another one of my writings. Just look at this and come back when you're ready to talk."

He handed me the paper, crumbled and sloppy, and pursed his lips as he once again walked off with courage.

I hesitated, but opened the delicate, torn, and perfectly crumbled piece of notebook paper with caution. His handwriting seemed different, and his lines were much neater than I had remembered but I read on,

Scared of my own image
Scared of my own immaturity
Scared of my own ceiling
Scared I'll die of uncertainty

Fear might be the death of me
Fear leads to anxiety
Don't know what's inside of me

Don't forget about me
Don't forget about me
Even when I doubt you

I'm no good without you.

Amazed, I sat on the edge of the stage in awe of what Brendon had been holding back. Maybe he has changed for the better, maybe he is getting help to not hold back his talent, and maybe, for once, Brendon wasn't lying.

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