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••• "I noticed that you weren't at school today, so I decided to call you instead. I really shouldn't have argued with you last night, I'm sorry. When you find someone for you, everything will change for you, you know?" I rolled my eyes in disgust. "And when you do, I promise you'll be happier." She paused for a moment, as if she was waiting for something else to say, and a few seconds after she did, Brendon's voice appeared in the background. "Got to go.."

The voicemail ended and honestly, I was upset.

Actually, I was very upset. Pretty pissed honestly.

I turned to see my reflection in the mirror and scolded at the view of the bags under my eyes before standing up to grab my bag as well as my hoodie hanging on the edge of the dresser.

* * * *

I felt the tenderness in the air as I pushed open the double sized back doors they had placed behind the gym.

The way the rush of warm air hit me moved my hair out of my face and fixed my mood from annoyed to somehow comforted. Something about that first breath of air can change your whole perspective, and at that moment, it changed almost everything about how I felt.

The sound of Nike sneakers sliding against the hardwood floor echoed throughout the gym and bounced off the walls. Basketball practice was usually held around this time right before our last period class. Most likely because they've almost all of our electives or you could say our less important classes were held at that time, which meant all players were required to practice instead of having to develop their talents..

I usually skipped that period to sit behind the bleachers in the gym to catch a few blinks before English, my last class before school ended. No one would care that I wasn't there, it's not like drawing flowers on 50 dollar paper was going to teach me anything. The sounds didn't bother me, in a way, I kind of got used to it.

Although, today was not one of those days.

"Well boys, here's to our newest player. Tyler, how about you come and introduce yourself."

Tyler. I've heard that name before. I turned to see the group of sweaty delinquents ramble about their new player that had just walked out of the locker room. From behind I could tell he was for sure one of the taller players on the team. His arms seemed to have at least some meat and muscle, but not too much. Just enough I thought.

"He's one of the best we've had tryout this year, and think he'll be a great addition to the team. Who's with me?"

The group of boys crowded around the coach and gave the new team player small hugs of respect. You could smell the musky sweat lingering around the teenage boys as it stuck to their jerseys and foot long socks running up their legs.

"Ready? Alex, toss the ball in.."

As I sat in the back of the gym, I hid in the darkness of my corner. Curled up in my own space, protecting myself from the harsh world around me. I had brung my own journal to keep myself up to date with my emotions and yet still have some kind of easy way to get to class when it came time.

Once in a while I would catch a glimpse of the team playing, not exactly connecting faces, but watching their scoring. Our schools team was okay, but they definitely needed the new team mate to help them catch up.

"Michael! Ball!" Coach roared from the bleachers.

I looked to see who had been handling the ball, and 'Tyler' the new guy, specifically was the one who always somehow was in contact with the ball as I looked at the team playing. I don't know if he was using his height as an advantage for shooting, or he was really just that good.

I never could even catch him looking in my direction. His face was invisible to me. I had never seen it in real detail.

Coach blew the whistle, making sure everyone could hear it as its sound bounced off of the bleachers.

"Alright! Bell rings in five minutes, everyone get showered up before your next class."

The boys crowded into the locker room, pushing each other playfully through the door as they got in as well. Tyler, moved slowly towards the door and looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was behind him, and quietly walked into the locker room alone.

I began to gather my things as well as finish up my short piece written in my journal kept in my hands. Checking the time, my phone read 2:16 which meant English was in four minutes. After my bag was packed, I started to fearfully walk towards the hall but was stopped in my tracks by a sound directly behind me.

"Hey." He said.

I turned slowly to see who had been behind me and nearly gasped in the case of shock for who was there.

"Can I walk with you to class? I mean, if that's okay."

Tyler smelled great. He actually acted like he cared about his hygiene, and how he looked, unlike most of the other players on the team.

"Uh, yeah. Sure I guess." I muttered under my breath.

He gave me an awkward smile and I felt butterflies moving up from my chest to my throat, which caught me completely off guard.

He looked at me concerned, "uh, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a bit tired I guess.." I said sighing.

He smiled once again and readjusted his backpack held on one shoulder.

We started walking towards the hallway and listened as our shoes squeaked against the glistening wood flooring. I felt his arm rub against mine and quickly pull away before I felt my heart jump.

"I didn't know you played b-ball."

He looked at me lifting an eyebrow. All I could do was give him a sly smile and blush watching him curl his lips.

"Yeah. I mean it's what I was raised doing. My dad was a coach here when I was young."

I nodded. "So, why are you here now?"

Tyler looked down at his shoes and avoided speaking for a moment.

"I mean, why now?" I asked.

He hesitated then began to speak. "I was homeschooled until about yesterday. My parents just thought I needed to change I guess."

He turned to me raising an eyebrow once again and biting the inside of his lip.

"Oh. Cool." I whispered awkwardly.

God he was cute.
Wait... Cute?

Fake You Out || Twenty One Pilots Fanfic || completedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя