.:s i x t e e n:.

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•••I tied up the ends of my ragged hair into a somewhat fancy somewhat messy bun that pretty much summed up my outfit in general.

My sleeve cut black Fugees tee tucked into the waistline of my skater skirt and my black knee socks ran up my legs, equally level with each other.

I groaned as I reached down to tie my shoelaces of the maroon on white converse I've had for about 2 years. They had a few rips at the laces but still were in great condition.


"Oh shit." I whispered under my breath. "Be there in a second mom!"

I opened the door to my bathroom and looked in the mirror one last time before leaving.

Tyler's PØV

"Be there in a second mom!" I heard her yell.

"Sorry. She's been trying to find an outfit for the past three hours and she's still not ready. If you want to deal with her, be my guest." I chuckled.

Her mother walked around the house picking things off the ground to tidy up and I noticed a wall of family pictures in the corner.

I gradually moved close enough to see what the pictures had been taken of.

One picture in the far left corner showed Harley as a toddler, hitting the piano with an eager grin across her face. The frame in the left showed her and her mother when she was young with the gaps of missing teeth in her smile. One crumbled up, ripped edged picture slightly clinging to the frame showed in the middle of this chaos had Harley with a man. Her, smiling widely completely entranced by what he had been showing her. And him, with a piano behind and a ukulele in his hands.

How odd.
A ukulele.

I heard a thud coming from the other end of the room and jerked to see what had happened behind me and noticed Harley had been holding her foot, jumping in place.

"Ow, damn.."

"You okay?" I asked.

She stood up to dust off the end of her skirt. "Yeah I'm fine. Just hit my foot trying to get to the door."

I laughed and walked over to see her and smile at how absolutely astonishing she had looked.

Maybe it was the way she wore knee socks with her converse. Or maybe it was the way her hair still looked amazing without looking a bit formal. And maybe it was just the way she dressed in general. Everything I needed right in front of me. Plus, the personality to top it all.

"You ready?" She asked, snapping me out of my head.

"Yeah! Yeah.. So where's this party at exactly?"

She smiled. "It's just down the road. You wanna walk?"

I stood there confused for a moment. "I drove. Shouldn't we just take the car? I mean it'll only tak-" she cut me off before finishing.

"Let's walk." Her hand grabbing mine inside the sleeve of my jacket. Don't worry. A few blocks won't kill you."

Well okay then. "Sure I guess. You need a coat?"

She just shrugged. "My jacket is fine. I'll hold up."

Her mother walked in from the kitchen and laid an arm on her daughter. "Before you leave there are some rules to follow."

Her hand tensed. "Ugh mo-"

"Don't drink and drive. Don't try anything stupid handed to you. Try not to swallow anything harmful. And I packed a little something in the pocket of yo-" Harley pulled me to the door.

"Love you mom!" She said swinging the door open, letting in a cold breeze of the snow falling from outside.

"Love you too baby. Stay safe!"

She stuck her head in through the house one more time before shutting the door and yelled, "I will!" Before slamming it behind her.

"Sorry sh-"

I gripped her hand. "Don't worry I know. Believe me."

She somewhat led the way down the staircase of her apartment complex and guided me onto the sidewalk surrounding the building.

I hesitated to ask but I felt like I should bring it up. "So where's your dad?"

She began to walk slower.

"I mean if you want to tell me."

Dammit Tyler.
Think before you speak.

"He ran away." She murmured as she started to gradually walk faster.

"Oh?" I looked at her hair blowing in the breeze and watched as her eyes scrunched up when she was deep on thought and I tried to hold back a grin.

She chuckled, "I don't know, you wouldn't understand."

I tightened my grip and she looked up at me. "Of course I will. Go on."

Looking down, she whispered, "sometimes I feel like when I talk, all other people see is cobwebs. Nothing anyone else can understand."

She bit down on her lip and I finished, "But I hear a second voice. All of those cobwebs unwind."

She began a grin and continued, "He just, he was everything to me when I was little."

I listened as our feet crunched over the snow on the road.

"My dad was probably my biggest inspiration. He taught me everything about life and how to get through it."

Her shoulders shook as she pulled up the sleeves of her jacket over them.

"But he was a criminal. A scam artist if you will. I don't know, one day I came back from a normal day of second grade and he was leaving. He gave me a locket and left. He told me they were after him. I don't know who 'they' were but I did know that he was leaving."

I sniffled as my nose began to run from the cold.

"I told people. They just said he was lying. They said he was with some other girl and he just wanted to start another life with her. I know there's this voice in the back of my head telling me they're right but I still don't believe them. Maybe I should go after him but I'm just scared they'll end up being right."

Breathing in the cold I asked, "What was his name?"

She sniffled, "John. But everyone he knew called him Johnny."

Her locket sparkled with the light reflected off of the snow.

"I know where you're coming from but I'll tell you one thing. You'll never be able to fill this hole of confusion until you find him." She looked up at me pink nosed and teary eyed.

"Maybe I'll just have to help you out." I said trying to keep my eyes open due to the cold.

I heard loud muffled music and began to smell the faint mist of smoke coming from this house on the corner.

As we approached the door Harley knocked in a specific rhythm and Mel opened the door, "Now it's a party!"

She drew a path through the crowd and directed me onto the small stage in the back of the room, "New boy, you play keyboard?"

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