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••• "Not very many people understand the importance of thinking.

I mean, most kids my age aren dropping out of school for some irrelevant reason that will probably screw their life up in some huge way.

I wonder why in ten years they'll be working for Ronald McDonald and I'll be some successful Heroin who's on the cover of every magazine in America.

Well maybe not every magazine.. Maybe not even one but you get the idea. We need to think.

What you do in high school determines who you will be in the future. Who you meet, what you do, what you do it for is the bottom line factor you need determine, and in the long run, everything should be worth it. Most of all, whatever opportunities come your way should be taken. Seriously.

I've been thinking about this for awhile, and that is why I've decided to take part in the state Narrative competition.

"Yes students. This is your once in a lifetime opportunity to enter the contest that will make or break your career on being an author."

My eyes widened at the thought.

This competition will change my entire life.

"Excuse me." Brendon boomed. "Why is this important?" He sarcastically hissed as his hand was raised.

Mr. Thomas turned from his whiteboard and scolded him for a matter of seconds. "Because some students here actually would like to have a life."

The class gained a few giggles and snickers at Mr. Thomas' sharp comeback. Watching Brendon sweat off his roast had me smiling myself.

I looked over my shoulder to take a glance at Tyler. His hands were tapping his desk and he began biting the inside of his mouth. As if he was complete and utterly unattached to the conversation.

"The winner of this years competition will not only have their story published, but they will have their work covered and reviewed by one of Ohio's number one agents in the state."

My mouth fell open.
"An agent." I whispered in amazement.

"Ms. Jacob?" Mr. Thomas asked. "You said something?"

I cleared my throat. "Oh no. Sorry sir."

He smiled back. "It's all good Harley.. Anyway. I hope you all decide to think about applying. The deadline is in May so you only have so little time to begin writing."

The bell started to ring and students all around packed their bags to head out the door.

"See you guys tomorrow." Mr. Thomas said as he erased the work from today.

I stood up to grab my bag from behind my chair and throw in a few of my notebooks that had been in my arms. I couldn't help but look over at Tyler who was already starting to walk off. Quickly, I threw my bag over my shoulder and tried to catch up with him.

I usually wasn't the one to strike up a conversation. But today I was set in a good mood.

"Hey Tyler." I said perkily.

"Hey." He said smiling as he looked down on me.

I smiled back and asked, "So, you entering the Narrative competition this year..?"

He sighed walking through the hallway with me by his side. "Meh, I don't know. It's just not my thing."

I began to pick up the pace. "What do you mean it's not your thing?"

He readjusted his backpack and answered. "I don't know, I just don't feel like I'll be doing it for me, and it's way too soon. I mean, there's always next year, right?"

I looked up at him in frustration. "Tyler, it's your senior year of highschool. There are no second chances. You're the best in our class. You have to at least try."

He looked down and made eye contact with a sly smile growing on his face. "How did you know that this was my senior year?"

I looked down at the floor moving from under us and our feet as they kept walking and I sighed. "Mr. Thomas had your records on his desk."

Tyler chuckled at the thought. "Oh. So you're some sort of stalker?"

"Am not!" I retorted. "They just happened to be on his desk at the same time I was standing beside him."

He smiled to himself. And looked back at me. Blushing, I smiled back.

"Whatever, I still think you should give it a chance.."

Fake You Out || Twenty One Pilots Fanfic || completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora