.:e i g h t e e n:.

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••• Harley's PØV

My breath was cold.
I couldn't hear myself think

My eyes, baggier than usual, squinted to see through the fog before the sidewalk.

My hood covered most of my hair, still leaving the faded ends to poke through.

It had been weeks since the party and it all still feels like a blur.

don't worry.
he'll be back in a sec.

Pieces of that moment replayed in my head. The taste of bitter alcohol I remembered as well.

you can trust him.
you know this guy.

I still was confused.

How could so much change in a matter of seconds?
How did I not see what was playing out in front of me?
How come I don't say no?

Why did I let Tyler take me to that party..?

Bunches of students hurdled together, running towards to the front doors of the school building to keep warm but I took my time.

I saw Melanie sitting criss-crossed on the top stair, leading to the second story of the inside. She was twiddling her fingers, sitting and waiting.

"Hey, you okay?" I asked, walking up one stair at a time.

She looked up at me in disgust, "yeah I was waiting for you but the real question is are YOU okay?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"Oh please." She said groaning as she stood up, "it's been two weeks and you still won't tell me what happened?"

I shook my head.

She sighed as more and more people ran around us to get to class.

"I've got to go though, I'll see you at lunch." I said, biting my lip out of nervousness.

Melanie bit the inside of her cheek as well, "Cool, I guess." and sprinted up the next flight of stairs.

I began walking back down when Brendon caught my eye in one of the crowds. His smirk sent a shiver throughout my body and his eyes pierced through my brain.

Running, I immediately darted down the stairs, making sure I went the complete opposite direction of where he had been going.

I may not remember what happened, but I do remember that he was involved. And that Tyler hasn't spoken to me since.

I did something wrong and I couldn't remember what. But I did have that image of Tyler stuck in my mind where he lost all emotion. Where his whole world changed. And it all happened right in front of me.

* * * *

Lunch was normal for what stemmed to be normal since that night.

Two weeks?
Felt like two years.

The bell rang and everyone ran out of the cafeteria to their ninth period class as I walked towards the back doors leading home.

Completely out of it, I ran into a figure in front of me.

"Sorry," I said avoiding eye contact.

"Sorry? Yeah you better be sorry." I heard a familiar voice respond.

I looked up and saw Mr. Thomas staring down at me, arms crossed with his foot tapping.

I rubbed my arm and stood there as if I was stuck.

He stopped tapping and leaned down towards me. "Is it just me or is someone not telling me why they've been skipping my class for the past few weeks even though they have still been at school for every other period.."

Shrugging, I played with the rubber bands I had around my wrist.

"Because it seems like it to me." He added.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.

He put his hands in the pockets of his khaki pants. "Look, I know there's something going on, but I know you know you're stronger than this."

I pursed my lips as I pulled my bag over my shoulder as I began to leave when he grabbed my shoulder before letting me go, "You missed a lot. At least come in to see the assembly. Our class has been working hard and I know you weren't here for any of the practices but at least come to hear a few of your classmates poems."

Oh yeah.

"Yeah, it isn't the biggest project this year but it's important to them." He mumbled.

He sighed as the bell rang for ninth period to start and he began to walk away. "I guess I'll just haw to see if you show up, I really hope you do."

I knew I owed him for disappearing to suddenly, but there was this part of me that still didn't want to approach Tyler. I still couldn't get that image out of my mind.

don't be scared you can do this.

another flashback, but still, no memory.

I had realized ninth period was already starting, and this was about the time where I'd mope around in the corner of the gym but.. Tyler.

I sighed and began my walk towards the back of the school behind the bleachers. The afternoon was cold, but not too bad.

Breathing heavily, my lungs felt as if they would collapse as I ran up what seemed to be like 50 steps leading up the hill onto the field. Behind the bleachers, Halsey and i would stare off at the guys on the field in our freshman year, up until a few months ago. It was kind of our getaway place I guess you could say. We spent most of our time catching up back there and i haven't visited ever since the incident back in December.

As I gradually got closer to the back, I heard a muffled sob sounding from under the bleachers. I stood confused, something sounded familiar.

"God, I hate myself." I heard a frail voice quiver.

Oh no. It couldn't be.

Bending down to fit under the beam, I sighed as I sat down beside her.

"Hey." I whispered.

Halsey looked up from her hands, soaked in tears and messy mascara with a look of despair but within her eyes I found a little sliver of hope when she realized it had been me. She sniffled, trying to hide what she could of the evidence showing her sadness.

"Hey." she replied shakily.

I wrapped my arm around her giving her freedom to cry into my shoulder, like I'd always be there for.

"Don't hate me." she whispered into my hair.

I sighed, "I have no reason to." If anyone should be hated here it would be me.

She let out a few sobs before answering but she got herself together to answer, "It's Brendon."

I felt my heart drop.

"Supposedly, he was hooking up with some other girl at that party and no one had the decency to tell me until weeks later." she coughed, "Alex got a recording and everything.."

Fake You Out || Twenty One Pilots Fanfic || completedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora