Chapter 25

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-Ashley's POV-

"So, Castiel. You and Tass, huh?" I squint at him.

"Pardon?" He asks tilting his head.

"Last night." I remind him.

"Right. Tassia and I had intercourse." He nods, smiling slightly.

"Dude. You can't just say that so bluntly." I sigh, face palming. I turn and lean against the railing, looking over the small town.

This building only had two stories, yet it was on a hill with some other shops and such surrounding it. It was peaceful, it almost made me forget I was a hunter and what really was out there.

"Right." I say blinking and turning back to Cas, "I did tell you to stay away from her with stuff like that. And last night was nothing.... too personal." I say setting a hand on shoulder.

"I... know." He nods solemly. He looked a little disappointed or just sad so I sighed.

"Okay, you need a hug, and I need one myself." I say hugging him and he awkwardly hugs back until he relaxes.

"See. You are getting better at hugging." I laugh lightly into his shoulder.

"Yes. I do see why people hug now. It is very sufficent on trying to be happy." He says. I roll my eyes at his grammer, and the door swings open.

"Oh," I see Sam and he looks kinda irritated, and now a little tense, "Uh, Ash? I need some help." He says going back into the room.

I pull away from Cas, sighing, since I knew he was just acting jealous. Boys.

I enter the room and see Tass and Dean at each other throats. And probably very soon, literally. The tension in the room was suffocating, it felt like I should start yelling at someone. Tassia and Dean were bickering and bickering and no one could really intervene without having the fear of your head being torn off.

"You don't own me! Why can't I have fun but you can!" Tassia screams at him, sticking a finger to his chest.

"Its not that! Thats perfectly fine I guess, but-" he says loudly, swiping her hand away, trying to keep his cool.

"'I guess'?! Whats that supposed to mean?!" She storms, stomping her foot slightly.

"Nothing! Just with Cas?! Really?! Him?" He says pointing to Cas, who tilts his head.

"What is g-" Cas asks.

"SHUT UP!" they both yell at him and he frowns.

"And?! So what if it is him?! Not like you want me or anything, so why should it bother you?!" She yells.

I could just see Deans whole aura change from desperately trying to stay cool to I will snap your neck in point five seconds.

He stepped closer to Tassia who took a step back and started yelling "You think I don't want you? You're the most beautiful thing on this planet to me, and no matter what, you won't leave my mind." He snarls, taking another step closer as she took another back.

"I don't want to do these one night stands because I know it'll never be you. I needed a distraction, cause I know I can't have you, but I would drop everything if I could do it." He kept snarling, backing Tassia up to the wall. Sam and I gave each other a look, and we knew where this might be going.

"It hurts just to see you look at another man, especially Cas, since he's an angel and fucking perfect, and I'm here as worthful as a slug. But you," he says leaning in close to her. The angry tension that was here moments ago was replaced with a new type of tension, and it growing with every second between the two.

"You. You are worth the sun and everything near it. So don't you go thinking I don't want you." He says looking down at her face, his hand against the wall near her head, his voice still harsh and rough.

One more second and they would have been naked right where they stood, but no.

"So. Having fun yet? " Gabriel says right next to me. I don't even jump but groan at his presence.

Dean pushes off of the wall and picks up his coat.

"You know what, just forget I said anything. I'll be back later." He mumbles and exits the room once more.

I punch Gabriel in the shoulder and he yelps.

"You idiot!" I yell punching his chest, and he winces.

"They. Could. Have. Finally," I say, punching him farther and farther down but as soon as I say kiss, he stops me before I could hit him where the sun don't shine.

"Woah! Not too low, Asher." He says giving me a cheeky smile and I scoff at him.

I look back at Tassia and she's sitting on the floor, her head on her knees and hair fanned out over her arms. I glare at Gabriel and sit next to her.

"Hey." I say quietly, nudging her.

"'Mut?" She mumbles from her lap.

"You alright?" I ask.

She lifts her head and gives me a cold stare.

"Does it look like it? I just fucked everything up..." she groans, setting her head back down.

"No, it's Gabriel's fault. You two would have had it in the bag if it weren't for him." I joke.

"Hey! I'm right here!" Gabriel says crossing his arms.

"Go suck a dum-dum." I tell him and he just smiles, taking one out of his pocket.

"Okay. Well I'm sure you two will be okay, and before you know it, you guys will be fucking all over the place as a couple!" I joke again and she snorts a laugh.

"Piss off." She smiles. Finally. Its about time we got of this subject.

"Now. How 'bout we get us some food? I am starving and thristy." I sigh. Tassia tries to stiffle a laugh and I poke her.

"Whats up with you?" I smile, uneasily.

"You. Thirsty." She winks at me.

"Oh, you nasty!" I laugh pushing her shoulder away before getting up.

"Oh. Uh, by the way, I got a surprise for you later. Hopefully it's... together by then." Tassia says, smiling brightly at me.

"What is it?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Nothing." She smirks.

The Sisters (A Sam Winhester & Dean Winchester Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt