Chapter 3

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-(still Dean's POV)-

Bobby started coming up to my car and Tassia was still in my lap.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit.... come on Tass, wake up!" I whisper quietly, shaking her, but she was still sleeping.


I look up and see Bobby, giving me a stone cold glare.

"Son... why is my daughter handcuffed... and in your lap? And what's with the red-" he starts saying, turning to look behind us at the upcoming head lights. He just grumbles and rubs a hand across his face.

"Uh... I can explain-" I try to say but Bobby raises his hand to stop me.

"Just. Don't. Let me just cool down..." he mutters walking away.

"....Is he gone?" I hear her murmur from my chest.

"Uh, yeah. Could you get off me? And why'd you pretend you were asleep?" I say as she scrambles off me.

"Well, I was asleep until the headlights shined over here." She says shrugging.

"We should head in. Come on." I groan exiting the car.

"Aren't you going to open the door for me?" she yells out.

"Oh I know you can open it alright..." I sigh.

"True..." I hear her mutter and I chuckle.

I shake my head, and shuffle over to Ashley's truck. I see Sam climb out and sigh heavily.

"Sammy! You alright?" I say as he leans against the truck.

"Yeah, is Bobby here?" he asks scratching the back of his neck as I nod.

"Aye! Sam! Can you carry me! I'm too damn tired..." I hear Ashley joke from the passenger side.

"No." He rolls his eyes, his lip twitching to form a smile.

"Well then, can you carry me?! I'm not moving unless you do." Tassia yells at me, getting up out of the car.

"Uh, yeah whatever. But so help me your dad yells at me for this..." I sigh bending over slightly.

"Sweet! A piggyback ride!" She yells running towards me.

"Not so fa-! OOF." I grunt as she lands on my back, nearly knocking me off my feet.

"Alright, onward!" she yells.

-Ashley's POV-

As Tass starts yelling about something, I try getting up, but I find it hard to get off the sleek seats and the tall figure of my truck with my hands in front of me. I thought you were supposed to handcuff someone behind their back...

"Ouch!" I gasp out, twisting my wrist in a weird way.

"Forget about your wrist?"

I look up and see Sam.

"Yeah." I mutter still trying to get out. I finally get my feet on the ground and I try to stand up, but I immediately fell on my side, from the tallness of my truck.

"Ouch." I say bluntly.

"Here." Sam grabs my shoulders and lifts me up and stands me on my feet.

"Er, thanks." I say awkwardly, now noticing how tall he really is. I feel so short and he picked me up like it was nothing.

"Uh, you're welcome." he says just as awkwardly.

"Aww man..." I say walking towards my childhood memories, remembering something.

The Sisters (A Sam Winhester & Dean Winchester Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora