Chapter 13

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-Ashley's POV-

I woke up once again in the arms of Sam. This time he wasn't awake yet though. My head had a little ache to it, and I figured just the remains of a hangover. I stared at Sam's face, watching the little movements with interest. I didn't even notice Sam had woken up when I was looking into his eyes.

"Hey there, short-stuff." he says, his morning voice music to my ears.

"Hi." I say laying my head on his chest.

"How long you been staring at me?" He chuckles.

"Oh you know. All night. Did you know you have a blue ring around your earlobe?" i smile.

"What?" He laughs reaching for his ear.

"Kidding. Hey, you want to see something?" I say sitting up pressing on his arm.

"You're not planning on killing me with your demon powers, right?" he asks sitting up.

"What?" I say, my face dropping.

"Joking." He said. Fuck, that was close.

I get up and grab his hand gently. I open the door ad we tiptoe past Tassia's and Dean's bed, neither of us noticing someone watching us. I pull Sam through the house until we get to one of the bathrooms near the kitchen.

"Uh, what are we doing?" Sam says nervously as I enter the bathroom.

"Relax. We're not showering together..." I roll my eyes, "Yet." I wink at him.

I move the towels hanging on the rack and open the secret door.

"What the hell?" Sam laughs.

"Come on. I found this one day when Tass was out, of course she knows about it..." I bend over, entering the small doorway, going through a tunnel. I turn around and see Sam at the entrance.

"Come on. It'll be fun." I wave and continue walking down the tunnel.

As we enter the suddenly open room, I see Sam smile.

"How the- where -why- what even is this?" He asks staring at the books and all the fluff blankets.

"Wait a minute. Don't tell me- is that? Oh my God, it is..." he mutters walking toward the single large oak tree in the corner.

"How the hell do you have a tree house in here?!" He says looking up.

"Well... this is kinda like... a safe room? We added a lot of stuff in here, but that tree was already down here." I smile bashfully.

"Can we?..." he points up towards the mini house.

"Yeah, let's go."

- 1 hour later-

"That's so weird and amazing." Sam says as I close the secret door.

"Yeah..." I wince rubbing my head.

"You okay?" The tallest Winchester asks.

"Uh... not really... I have this massive migraine..." I say walking slowly over to the couch.

"Hey guys. Good and bad news. Found a case." Dean says entering the room.

He stops once he sees me. "You okay, Ashley?" He asks as I lay down, covering my head.

A flash of black and red pulse through my eyes as I close them.

"Mmmnoooo..." I mumble, the headache getting worse.

"I haven't had it this bad in forever..." I groan as Sam hands me an ice pack.

"Well, you think you can go on this hunt with us, or do you want to stay here and research stuff?" Tassia asks me coming into the room and conversation.

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