Chapter 12

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-Sam's POV-

"And I don't want the world to see me!" We all sing Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls, jokingly screaming the lyrics.

"'Cause I don't think that they'd understand!" I yell, smiling.

"When everything's made to be broken!" Dean goofily sings.

"I just want you to know who I am!" Ash and Tass yell, Ashley drumming on the dashboard, and Tass banging on the seats next to me.

We all laugh and Dean parks the car at the town's bar.

"I hope they have some good drinks in there..." Tass sighs happily and we get out of the car.

"Well, let's find out and party." Dean smiles.

We enter the bar and it's already buzzing with excitement. People we're grinding against random people and drinks were traveling around the room.

"Ah, " I pretend to sniff the air, "the sweet smell of sweat and mold. Perfect." I laugh.

"Well, that'll soon start to smell like Air Freshener and paradise." Ash nudges me walking straight to the bar.

We had went back to the safe house, or the batcave as Ash and Tass called it, and got refreshed and dressed. Both Tassia and Ashley were in stunning dresses, that I couldn't help wonder where they could have gotten them.

"Lucky, aren't we?" I wink at Dean and he shoves me lightly.

'"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He chuckles and we join them.

"Hey, do I know you?" Ash jokes with me.

"You know, I think you do. I think we met at a library? Right?" I play along as the bartender gives us four shots.

"Well. Cheers to books them, yeah?" She raises the glass.

"To books." I laugh, bringing mine to hers and then swinging it to my mouth.

"Hey, its fruity." Ashley laughs setting her shot glass down.

About 20 shots later, with Ashley or with all four of us, we soon broke off to dance.

By then, it was already pretty late, but I only was feeling a light buzz. The girls however, were nearly wasted. Dean was a little more sober than me, since he was designated driver. I danced for a bit but sat down and I watched Tass and Ash dance to their hearts content. Not to mention Dean's obvious staring at Tassia and glaring at any guy she danced with.

Dean drifted towards me midway through the girls dancing, and we watched everyone being drunk, stumbling to get across the room. Soon, the girls seemed to get tired and they retreated back to the bar, a little away from us.

I figured now would be the time to try to ask Dean about Tass.

"So, Tassia, huh? " I smirk at him.

"What?" He looks at me with wide eyes.

"You like Tassia."

"Yeah... I guess..." he mumbles, taking a glass of water from the bartender.

"You guess? What does that mean?"

"Well, of course I like her. She's gorgeous and can hold her own. But I gotta protect you guys. I can't be with her." He states sadly.

"Sure you can! Whats stopped you before?" I ask him.

"Well, this isn't- or wouldn't be a one time fling. I couldn't do that. I wouldn't do that." He says sobering up, on his second glass of water.

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